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Small Blood Angel detachment to support Astra Militarum


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Hi all,


Coming from an Astra Militarum background, I'm thinking about creating a small Blood Angel detachment to supplement my guardsmen.


I've got the fire power, but what I lack is mobility and the ability to cause chaos behind enemy lines so I was hoping Blood Angels would solve this issue.



Can anyone recommend some unit combinations that would achieve this or what to look for in the codex?




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Captain smash is an obvious choice - jump pack captain with Angels wing and 4Dam thunder hammer.


Inceptors are fast and put out a lot of shots. 


Scout bikes have a lot of firepower for the points.


I dont know how intercessors compare to guard point wise, but 5 Int's are probably the same number of attacks, wounds, and shots at 12" as 10 guardsmen. 


Some more underused options might see the light of day when the new chapter approved hits. 

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Well mobility we do have plenty. We also have melee which AM usually lacks, but that costs quite a few points if you want it to do some real work so that's probably not an option outside of Captain Smash.

Inceptors indeed put out quite a few quality shots and with deep strike, FLY and M10 they are pretty mobile as well. Not as mobile as other Jump Pack units after the initial drop but they definitely have more damage output.

Since you'd need at least three units of the same FOC slot to fill one of the specialist detachments you'd need two more units. Scout Bikes as Xenith said are really good but you could also go with Assault Marines (not really strong but mobile and cheap-ish) or with Attack Bikes which are single models so might fly under the radar while you keep the enemy busy with Captain Smash and your AM units.

Alternatively our Elite section is full of mobile units as well. A bit more expensive but you would have Death company, Sanguinary Guard, Vanguard Veterans and Company Veterans as options.

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My go to BA support is this:

- Captain with TH + SS + Death Visions

- Libby Dread with Wings + Quickening

- 3 5-Men Scout squads with Boltguns / Sarge with Stormbolter


This combo got me 2 first places in local tournaments (rest of the list was a gunline). The BA give you much needed mobilty, deep strike denial, and a scary counter punch against everything getting too close.

Double Captain needs too many CP now, but the Dread works very well with few CP and hits like a truck.

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Fun thing - Supreme command detachment:

JP Captain TH/SS

2x JP Lieutenants TH/SB(or combi-meltas)


Happy re-roll family :wink:

Ouch that sounds fun. If you need more shots add Company Veterans with jump packs and meltaguns and storm shields. Six melta shots with rerolls on hit and wound rolls should remove pretty much any vehicle even before captain smash gets into melee.

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Lieutenants are too expensive for what they do tbh. You're better off taking a captain instead. Or one of the other HA choices. That being said, they'd be characters all alone infront of the enemy ... they won't cause havoc for very long lol
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Captain Smash meets all your requirements, you just need to decide what to accompany him with.


Assuming Guard will provide the CPs you need, you could go for just a simple Patrol Detachment allowing you to fit in the units you want with minimal points spent on units just to fill slots in a Detachment. Inceptors are great and I find the bolter variety are very good value for their points. Plasma are only worth the extra points if you know you will be facing multiwound models. Plasma also need to operate with a Captain to reroll 1s, otherwise overcharging is too risky. Given that Captain smash will want to run off and hit things, I think Bolter Inceptors will probably give you more mileage for their points.

A Patrol Detachment needs 1 Troop unit and a unit of BA Scouts is always a good bet. They are more durable than Guardsmen and hit hard in close combat thanks to 2 attacks and +1 to Wound in the first round of combat. Infiltrate can be useful to either screen probably not an issue with Guard) or to nab an objective outside your DZ. I go for the close combat version. They don't need much in way of upgrades but I find a Power Axe on the Searg is cheap and gives them a little extra punch in melee.
Patrol detachment
HQ 129 Captain Smash
Troop 60 5 x Scouts with CCW and BP. Seargent with Power Axe
Fast 135 3 x Inceptors with Assault Bolters.
Total 324
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2 slam cap



15 melee scouts


Deploy one slam cap on the line and put the 15 scouts in a donut near the center of the board.


Prior to turn 1 use forlorn fury on the slam cap and w the advance roll (13"-18" move) land him between all the scouts. Now your opponent must play his opening turn knowing you could hit him with that cap mid plus the upon wing of fire plus descent on the 2nd cap.


Mephy will move 19 inches with wings or 2d6 more than that if you choose to advance in the movement and psychic phase. Meph turns into an absolute beast in the later turns when both players are out of CP.

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For a really flexible, cheap, and effective detachment I propose the following.


3x 5 Scouts. Armed cheaply with gear of your choice


Lieutenant jump pack, power fist


Capt jump pack, thunderhammer


Reasoning. 5cp helps power the characters to nasty levels, scouts forward deploy to push board control and a duo of brutality that should pull down any incoming threat to your gun line all for less than 400 points

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