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Need some advice on where to go


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I picked up Adeptus Mechanicus when they first came out, painted (almost) everything, and even magnetized the vehicles and big models.  I was building a War Convocation, but he problem was that I hated 7th edition (I only played one game) and never even fielded them.  This army was my first experiment with both magnets and my airbursh.  I had actually considered getting rid of them because I never played the army.  However, I love how they look and really want to play the army. 


My big question is what do I need to build/buy to flesh out the army?


I have:

2x Dominus (1 magnetized, the other unbuilt)


5x Sicarian Infiltrators (Flechette/Taser)

5x Sicarian Ruststalkers (Transonic Blades)

3x Breachers (magnetized)

3x Destroyers (magnetized)

2 units of 6x Rangers (2x Arquebus and Omnispex)

2 units of 10x Vanguard (one with 3x Plasma, the other with 3x Arc Rifle)

3x Ballistarii (magnetized)

3x Dragoons (Taser Lance)

2x Dunecrawler (magnetized)

4x Robots (magnetized)


I know I need 2x Enginseers to give me variety in my HQ.  I also have 2 units of Skitarii on sprue and need to figure out how to build them.  Should I build straight up Vanguard?  and if so, what weapons?


I also have to forgeworld conversions for Peltasts and Hoplites.  Is it worth using my squads to build them or stick with Vanguard for now?  They look cool, but I don't know how effective one squad of each would be.


Anyway, I appreciate your help.  My wife is asking me what I want for Christmas and get things I can actually use vs. something random that looks cool and forces me to buy more stuff (i.e. last years box of Bonesplitterz Boyz and Boars).





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I want to ask which forge world you have painted! some factions have quite different styles than others do, so it helps to ask.


You have quite a bit of heavy artillery and more elite units! especially the dragoons and robots, which are some of the heavy hitters of our armies. May I suggest getting at least one more start collecting box to get one more dune crawler and one more squad of skitarii? That way you can get some extra bodies on the table. They don't have to have special weapons, just more dudes is what I preach!


I suggest building the hopilites, as they actually do something different compared to what rangers and vanguard bring to the table. Anti-tank and a bit more protection adds diversity. I also suggest some electropriests, as they can bring the hurt to whatever they shoot. downside to all out close range infantry is, though, that they are quite squishy.... but the upside is if they are shooting at your dudes then they are not shooting at your tanks!


and finally... May I suggest an imperial knight? you needed one for the war convocation so why the heck not? They are big, stompy, and a blast to play, paint and magnetize. 

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My wife is asking me what I want for Christmas...


Chapter Approved!  Honestly theres been a few "Give us some advice" threads in the past weeks and at this point we are literally 3? weeks away from everything we tell you being completely wrong.

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I want to ask which forge world you have painted! some factions have quite different styles than others do, so it helps to ask.


You have quite a bit of heavy artillery and more elite units! especially the dragoons and robots, which are some of the heavy hitters of our armies. May I suggest getting at least one more start collecting box to get one more dune crawler and one more squad of skitarii? That way you can get some extra bodies on the table. They don't have to have special weapons, just more dudes is what I preach!


I suggest building the hopilites, as they actually do something different compared to what rangers and vanguard bring to the table. Anti-tank and a bit more protection adds diversity. I also suggest some electropriests, as they can bring the hurt to whatever they shoot. downside to all out close range infantry is, though, that they are quite squishy.... but the upside is if they are shooting at your dudes then they are not shooting at your tanks!


and finally... May I suggest an imperial knight? you needed one for the war convocation so why the heck not? They are big, stompy, and a blast to play, paint and magnetize. 


Yes, I should have included the knight and Forgeworld.  It's all painted Mars because I like the classic look and I will probably not split forgeworld types between formations.  I have a Knight Errant that is painted House Taranis and is magnetized for the Thermal and BC, but I would probably only run the TC.  I also have a full knight army for House Hawkshroud.  Since I have the knight army, I plan to play AdMech without knights except for maybe large games.


I'm iffy on the Electropriests.  I love the rules and can see them being beneficial, but I hate the models.  Although it may just be the paint job from GW.  I'll probably get some anyway since I have every other unit.


I assume if I get another squad of Skitarii, then build the unit with 3 Plasma and then build the FW units for flavor?


@Black_Knight Definitely getting CA.  Even with points changes, I still will need to pick up the basics to fully flesh out my army.  Hopefully, Kataphrans will drop in price because I love the models and would definitely pick up more.  However, I doubt they will give us the Alpha that everyone wants.


I appreciate the help.

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I want to ask which forge world you have painted! some factions have quite different styles than others do, so it helps to ask.


You have quite a bit of heavy artillery and more elite units! especially the dragoons and robots, which are some of the heavy hitters of our armies. May I suggest getting at least one more start collecting box to get one more dune crawler and one more squad of skitarii? That way you can get some extra bodies on the table. They don't have to have special weapons, just more dudes is what I preach!


I suggest building the hopilites, as they actually do something different compared to what rangers and vanguard bring to the table. Anti-tank and a bit more protection adds diversity. I also suggest some electropriests, as they can bring the hurt to whatever they shoot. downside to all out close range infantry is, though, that they are quite squishy.... but the upside is if they are shooting at your dudes then they are not shooting at your tanks!


and finally... May I suggest an imperial knight? you needed one for the war convocation so why the heck not? They are big, stompy, and a blast to play, paint and magnetize. 


Yes, I should have included the knight and Forgeworld.  It's all painted Mars because I like the classic look and I will probably not split forgeworld types between formations.  I have a Knight Errant that is painted House Taranis and is magnetized for the Thermal and BC, but I would probably only run the TC.  I also have a full knight army for House Hawkshroud.  Since I have the knight army, I plan to play AdMech without knights except for maybe large games.


I'm iffy on the Electropriests.  I love the rules and can see them being beneficial, but I hate the models.  Although it may just be the paint job from GW.  I'll probably get some anyway since I have every other unit.


I assume if I get another squad of Skitarii, then build the unit with 3 Plasma and then build the FW units for flavor?


@Black_Knight Definitely getting CA.  Even with points changes, I still will need to pick up the basics to fully flesh out my army.  Hopefully, Kataphrans will drop in price because I love the models and would definitely pick up more.  However, I doubt they will give us the Alpha that everyone wants.


I appreciate the help.



Hawkshroud is good! you can probably still include them with Admec just to have some heavy fire power available too. Electropriests are both expensive and stupid looking, I agree, but they are quite good if you position them right. Mine are literally all the arc rifles I built in 7th together in one squad just so I get use out of them for 8th, and running them as electropriests still works since I never include any arc rifles normally in my armies.


since you play mars, I can definatly see a gun-line fire base with either a dominus or cawl in the center. have skitarii walk up as support / meat shields and a knight to support the charge. You got a really good army so far, so either focusing on the strengths of shooting or maybe adding some extra support in terms of elites would go a long way.

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