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What should I get for close combat?


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I´m intersted to get a unit that can fight in close combat. Right now I don´t want a knight but I´m thinking at our other options, like the dragoons, diffrent priests or kataphrons. But what would you chose? Rest of my army is a nice mix of all our other troops, like robots, skitarii etc. 

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Depends what you want. Dragoons are faster, a little more durable, -1 to hit, and has a chance of exploding attacks... that are pretty strong attacks too. While Fulgurites dish out a fair amount of mortal wounds, chance at a 3++ invul, and a FnP.


Personally, I like Fulgurites more. I've had more luck with them in my initial time having them. And that essentially cemented this unnatural fear of them in a lot of the guys in my local meta. The second they hit the board, they are a priority target. It's been utterly hilarious. However, I have better luck now with Dragoons. Squad of 3, popping the strat to improve their WS and exploding attacks... things die fast.

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I use Two squads of 3 dragoons  , they are tough to hit at -2 ( im stygies)  and they murder most things with ease ..

I'm also taking two squads of  10 Hoplites as objective campers ...  3 attacks  with Aquisition at all costs. and a  3+ invuln save in combat  ... whats not to love 

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It's a blinder actually .... we have the ability to buff our units that are near objectives ..... 

Now I can't find the exact byline on this but .... as i read it a  unit of  Hoplites holding the objective .... can effectively move with the objective marker , they are always within the 3 of the objective ... they are holding it ... 

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More robots. :wink:

Im thinking to start to get some drsgoons (love the miniatures so much)

Loving the miniatures, in my opinion, is the most important part.

(which is why I have 15 Kataphrons - even though I started AdMech after the codexes were merged - and I am tempted to buy more...)

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good thing for combat? Well, I suggest neutron lasers, eradication beamers and a libral amount of plasma... can't be too good in close combat when you're a glowing pile of dust on the ground from a shot halfway across the field, now can you mister custodian?


For real though, my go to are fist robots personally, as the high strength and damage can out punch most things, though the lack of invuln in combat hurts quite a bit. Dragoons really are a good unit, and can be scary on a massed charge, now only if they didnt cost so much money...

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