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Intrigued by Ad Mech...BF?


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I have now and again wondered about starting an Ad Mech force, and I am wondering if one or two of the new BF boxes would be a good starting point for them?


Not sure how Ad Mech play as there aren't any players in my area. Currently I play Nids and DE.



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Except for the sicarians (which few people field, but still find their use), the box is rock solid. It might even be worth it to pick up two (robots and enginseers don't get discount otherwise, but you might want them, otherwise StartCollecting is your friend).


You can never have enough skitarii, period. Vanguard advance and shred infantry, rangers stay back and still contribute, special weapons are a thing, and all of this is cheap as chips. Also fielding a batallion is trivially easy with skitarii and enginseers.


Onagers with neutron laser are brilliant AT, or icarus array for great AA. Shooty baymaxes are solid anti-horde and anti-MEQ. The enginseer is dirt cheap HQ (again, batallion), can repair, and the only other HQ options are either limited to one per army (Carl) or found on ebay for a dime because it is in Start Collecting and Forgebane (techpriest dominus).


Expanding on that with a Start Collecting later might be wise, as that would give you the other generic HQ choice, more skitarii, and another onager at 50% discount (this box: 33%). Upside, the SC box is not limited, so picking it up later would be no problem. As a side note, at that discout people stopped buying onager boxes at all - the price difference to the SC is negigible, but more skitarii is always a good thing.

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If we say TPE is equivalent to TPD a start collecting + kastelan box is almost the same price as the battleforce.


Meaning you get a discount on the sicarans 'only' (this is if you count start collecting box savings as null since you can get them elsewhere).


However big bonus is the TPE, IMO, not to mention savings on sicarans if you were to get them anyway is nice

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If we say TPE is equivalent to TPD a start collecting + kastelan box is almost the same price as the battleforce.

In my currency, the sicaran upgrade would be 10€ more than buying Start Collecting and the baymaxes separately, which is okay for a filler unit when starting the army project. Considering TPDs are widely and cheaply available with Start Collecting and Forgebane, having the TPE instead is great too.


As long as the baymaxes are desired (and the skitarii/onager I'd consider necessary anyway), the box is a great deal. I've been playing skitarii since relase, and still split a box with a few locals to stock up on skitarii/baymax/TPE.

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