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My Xmas present from the wife is a while bunch of bugs to start a new army.

I've got:

Start Collecting Box

Hormagaunts box

Termagaunts box

Venomthropes/zoanthropes box


So, where do I go from there?

Probably get another set like that so I have 24 of the basic gribblies and 16 stealers. Want to grab an exocrine or tyrannofex for some big dakka. Maybe a few fexes and tyrant too.

Any other suggestions?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 1/9/2019 at 9:00 PM, jbaeza94 said:

Csn we see a close up of those zoanthroaps? They look awesome!

Best one I've got to hand. They're the old metal ones. Picked up from a local 2nd hand shop.


Edited by ImperialSquishiness
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/17/2019 at 3:44 AM, Brokejaw Gutripper said:

Good work mate! Always good to see a WiP plugging along. I like the snow Tyranid motif; some chopped up Space Wolves would look nice on some bases lol.

I'm going with T'au. I have an irrational hatred of them! Lol

  On 3/24/2019 at 8:16 PM, Xenith said:

Great work on this, you're super efficient wit hthe paintin - is that a blue wash over the white basecoat for the skin, then brown wash over the carapace?

Vallejo grey undercoat out of an airbrush, followed by Guilliman glaze. Then dry brushed ulthuan grey and use a bit of white scar to pick out higher details for the skin. Carapace/bone is ulthuan grey over the top of the undercoat, agrax wash, drybrush ulthuan grey, army painter Brainmatter beige for edge highlights, then white scar for the final highlights

Have got some more nids done recently.

Starting to get more monsters now. Still have a few little bugs to do.

Broodlord decided to dine on sushi





Some more zoanthropes and a neurothrope






And a magnetised exocrine/haruspex





  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/19/2019 at 10:34 PM, NTaW said:

These look great! How did you create that clear Lictor?

The wife bought it for me. So it's probably from a recaster! Lol

Rescued on old metal Old One Eye from a local second hand shop.

Looks much better now!






  • 2 weeks later...
I absolutely love your scheme! I'm thinking of starting nids and was thinking about doing a pale blue like yours. Mind sharing your recipe again? I'm sure it's already here somewhere if I read through more thoroughly...
  On 12/1/2019 at 8:10 PM, Brother Lemartes said:

I absolutely love your scheme! I'm thinking of starting nids and was thinking about doing a pale blue like yours. Mind sharing your recipe again? I'm sure it's already here somewhere if I read through more thoroughly...

Thanks man


All undercoated with vallejo grey primer.

Skin colour is guilliman glaze over the primer (contrast before contrast was a thing, now out of production I hit up all my local hobby stores and bought about 6 pots of it!), drybrush in ulthuan grey.


Chitin/bone armour is ulthuan grey over the undercoat, agrax wash, ulthuan grey drybrush, army painter brain matter beige as an edge highlight.


Talons/claws are vallejo black, then the fade is airbrushed in using sotek green, temple guard blue, baharroth blue and white scar. I then edge highlight each section with the next step in the progression, ie, Black highlighted with sotek green, sotek green highlighted with temple guard blue and so on.

Really easy to do. Quick, simple and effective.

Wait guiliman blue glaze is discontinued?? I only have 1 pot! I love this technique so much I may have to make a trip to my local shops in hopes they have some left Lol.


Really appreciate the info! Will definitely be watching this thread moving forward!

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