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Voss Prime info


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I'm looking for details about how the planet is: volcanic, covered in cities like metalica...

As far as I've read there is no info at all so I have a free hand

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I'd figure something very similar to Mars, as that is the by-word for Voss Prime (like Mars, but not).  Even if said Forgeworld had some other initial climate, it's likely their masters worked to "correct" it so as to be closer to Mars (via terraforming, etc.).  That said, given that no background exists I'd say it's a safe bet to go wild and do what you like in this regard! :)

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Voss Prime is v proximate to Armageddon.


If you happened to fancy positing your force as involved thereabouts then you've got pretty free reign.


Hive World/Imperial Sector

Sector Mechanicus


Ash Wastes

Ice Wastes

Out at Sea

Equatorial 'Hive World' Jungle


To name a few.


Voss Prime itself almost needn't matter. (And there's a ton of historic detail about the Armageddon-proximate worlds.)

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