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Thousand Sons Recruiting question


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If new TS astartes are made, does each one have to resist the rubric? Obviously potent psykers can but if someone isn't strong enough are they immediately turned into a rubric? Does this happen gradually? Or can new non-psykers not be created?


Ahriman seems to think (per French's series) that every Thousand Son (and presumably therefore their geneseed) was changed, and I've seen people reference time lost Thousand Sons who immediately transform upon reentering realspace, but I'm not sure what source there is for that.


Are there any reliable sources on creating new TS that might cover this? I only just finished book 2 and I'm over on my book budget for the month so I won't be reading book three for a bit, so if it comes up in that just let me know without spoilers please.

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So far as I've seen, there's no evidence that any Thousand Sons group has even attempted to recruit non-psykers to be regular marines. Their recruitment process is entirely about scouting psychic talent and scooping up talented apprentices. When new Rubricae are created, it's intentional: they're trying to make loyal servants.


Because elaborate rituals are required to make new Rubricae, I don't think the Rubric would automatically happen to newly created non-psykers. I think the Thousand Sons just don't make them because they'd be considered a sad mockery of the "real" legionaries, or something like that. 

Well, it's not a clear dichotomy. Not every psyker was strong enough to resist the rubric, so there have to be candidates now that don't make it, right?


AFAIK; How they make new Rubricae is something that happens in the fluff, but has not been described recently, but I think there was a ritual performed on Fenris using suits of armor to reinstill souls into them? Something like that.  With the Tsons having 60k + marines floating about as of 40k (according to the dex), they have done an awful lot of recruiting and hijacking marine armor down the millennia.  


When it comes to bolstering their living marines its all about recruitment of psykers. That is actually what "aspiring sorcerers" in the Rubric units are, they are the recent recruit scrubs.  Exalted are the OG's from Prospero. Scooping up all the talent and potential as said previously. As well as taking psychic children to possibly make into marines. 

I've seen the fluff skirt the edge of giving us answers here and there but nothing solid. The more recent fluff seems to suggest that we recruit new sorcerors, but when it comes to rubricae we are essentially immortal. Meaning, we have a finite count of overall rubricae, but as long as it's possible to cast the ritual, it's possible to reanimate the armour or bind the soul into another set of armour. This was directly answered by phil kelly in one of those facebook codex interviews. 


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