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Are you still buying Oldmarines?


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  On 12/21/2018 at 4:07 PM, Robbienw said:

Old marine arms actually look all right on Primaris if both arms are old marines ones. Makes their arms a bit smaller looking like in the art.

Indeed it does.


Take these two Deathwatch marines I made:




The arms look perfectly scaled for the Primaris Marine's body.

It should be noted deathwatch and mark 3 arms are already slightly longer and bulkier than if you try and use tactical arms from the iteration before the current tactical squad. I've got about 250 oldmarines all purchased before the new Tactical, Assault, a Devastator box iteration and they are noticeably thinner in the legs and arms.

I find that the regular Tactical or Dev squad arms fit perfectly on Primaris. You could equip them with any wargear if you so desired. Yes, they are a tiny bit smaller but honestly it isn't anything to mention or notice unless you're holding the arms side by side.
  • 3 weeks later...


i notice as well that the pauldrons (shoulder pads on the primaris) is same as normal marines. after looking at the models side by side. it appears to me that you could swap arms between a primaris and old marine.


@OP. to answer original poster. No. i am slowly moving away from "old" marines. primaris being the new poster boy of GW.

  On 12/6/2018 at 9:01 PM, Captain Idaho said:

[..I'm very interested in hearing what new players are doing. [...]

I sold all my stuff during 5th, but couldn't resist the urge with the release of 8th. I started with 2x Dark Imperium, Terminators (one tac, one assault squad, as they had always been my favourite models), 2 Vindicators (love this model too) and Lysander. Even though I loved them back in the days of 3rd/4th, I now can't stand the look of classic marines in normal power armour next to Primaris. They are just too small. Also, Primaris are much better proportioned, even better than my beloved Terminators.

With all the battle boxes and battle forces, I now have approximately 3300 points (Primaris). Recently I boughtht a Centurion squad, mainly to give me some long range AT option, which brings me to approximately 1000-1100 points of Non-Primaris stuff. I'm thinking about buying a second Centurion squad, so I can get an indomitable fire base (yay, siege breakers), but I'm concerned I might buy too much old stuff that will only be supported half-assed in the long run. I'm sure there will always be rules for the old models, but the question is if they will be overpriced or not...

I'm not competitive player, so I buy those minis I like. Most of us will die with hundreds of unpainted models... Winning or even playing is not the main point of our hobby.


I left 40k... maybe in 2013, and not buying or playing for 5 years. Then with 8th I wasn't interested in returning, but some friends insists and now I have several units (3x 5 Reivers, 4-5x 5 Intercessors, 1x 3 Aggressors, 2x 3 Inceptors, 1x Dread, 1x Repulsor...) so yeah, I'm buying Primaris, but I have bought Oldmarines too. Now I'm older and I have enough money for buying some units like Scout Snipers and Scout Bikers (I want them but I will never play them), Grimaldus, Helbrecht, old Command Squad... and last weekend I bought 10 terminators, because I want to assemble many configurations, and I don't care to have useless minis...


Wargames are a hard drug.:yes:

  On 1/10/2019 at 6:01 PM, Mother of the Cult said:

More termis here, MORE! ..... 


You want more termies? Anyone thinking Aggressors are poo, check out ST.Lazarus. Definitely going to be doing a version of this beautiful conversion. Removing the hood looks like the hardiest modelling part of the conversion and I'll be keeping that because I actually like the Gravis armor. Check the man's thread for his Storm Hawk ... its just ill :)



  On 1/11/2019 at 12:58 AM, Inquisitor Dracos said:


  On 1/10/2019 at 6:01 PM, Mother of the Cult said:

More termis here, MORE! .....



You want more termies? Anyone thinking Aggressors are poo, check out ST.Lazarus. Definitely going to be doing a version of this beautiful conversion. Removing the hood looks like the hardiest modelling part of the conversion and I'll be keeping that because I actually like the Gravis armor. Check the man's thread for his Storm Hawk ... its just ill :)



Sad to say but I definitely prefer the official gorilla arms version over this conversion.

Yep. Still buying lots. Mk.6 for my RT inspired army, building and painting marines for my grilfriend's army.

I've only a handful of Primaris units, and the bulk of those I accquired on the cheap with box splits or through Conquest. I've only bought 3 Primaris boxes. One of normal Reivers, the KT Reiver squad box, and a box of intercessors. Not impressed by the very limited build options in those kits so I likely won't be buying more anytime soon given I have plenty of Dark Imperium Intercessors to paint up.


However, I have a small mountain of Proper Marines building for a number of projects, two I've outlined above. Far more versatility in the kits for me to play with and get characterful models.

As I'm building a Space Marine chapter ( Yes.... I know how insane that is :teehee: but there I am:wacko.: ), I'm counting on Old Marines (OM's) not disappearing overnight. I've got enough OM's to fill out all necessary positions in a Codex chapter formation but I am a bit short on Scouts and way short on Rhinos and a bit shy of completing my armor formations. So, its mostly down to OM vehicles for me.
As for Primaris, I've picked up a few kits and I'm planning on building at least one company of these new brothers for my chapter. However, being a somewhat conservative chapter master , I'm taking it slow and waiting to see what new tech and tactics GW has planned for these guys. Like'm or not Primaris are Space Marines and our brothers so I will embrace them as such...…. but I shall be cautious:dry.: 
Old Marines may eventually be completely replaced by Primaris Marines, but they will NEVER be forgotten:wink: .

I don't like primaris marines, so yes, i'll buy more oldmarines.


In fact, I'm one of those that think their profile should be the base profile of an actual oldmarine. And I strongly disagree upon primarisation of old named characters (such as Malneus Calgar... that initiates a baaad precedent)

  On 1/17/2019 at 8:11 PM, bolvar said:

I don't like primaris marines, so yes, i'll buy more oldmarines.


In fact, I'm one of those that think their profile should be the base profile of an actual oldmarine. And I strongly disagree upon primarisation of old named characters (such as Malneus Calgar... that initiates a baaad precedent)

Hobby as hard as you hate.

  On 1/17/2019 at 10:27 PM, Ishagu said:


  On 1/17/2019 at 8:11 PM, bolvar said:

I don't like primaris marines, so yes, i'll buy more oldmarines.


In fact, I'm one of those that think their profile should be the base profile of an actual oldmarine. And I strongly disagree upon primarisation of old named characters (such as Malneus Calgar... that initiates a baaad precedent)

Hobby as hard as you hate.



If only my wallet could keep that pace...

I started in 40k with dark angels two years ago, I have enough sprues to do most of what I want with them. I did buy a DA vet box recently, so many good bits in that box, I wouldnt be surprised if I bought more vets, they were the models that sold me on DA and I havent got around to getting many done yet. I may get some more sniper scouts if that counts.


In general though I'm avoiding it, I have the horus heresy boxes unused to support any bigger aspirations in the future. But I never got units that DA couldnt take so may catch up on some of those things at some point.


I started a crimson fists primaris force for which I wanted one group of sternguard and I bought one box for that purpose.


Other than that im being cautious about the future. Ive had interest in grabbing a box of sanguinary guard for smash captains and deathwatch for kill team, but have plenty to work on at the moment and can wait to see how things settle before getting more.

In answer to the original post, although I've got a load of plastic post 1999 Marines (including several sprues of the snap-fit Assault on Black Reach ones!), there are components from kits like the Sternguard, Vanguard, Assault and Devastator Squads that I need, so will more than likely get those.


I'd like to do two Marine armies - if my lad ever takes an interest, I've enough stuff to give him a decent 'core' army of a Marine demi-company; also, I want to make a 'Crusade' army of 2-3 chapters that have featured in the background of my Legion of Taurus Chaos Marines.  That's what I need to buy existing kits for.  I wouldn't be bothered for Primaris for that at this stage, as in the time-line of that 'fluff', it's still just before the Imperium Nihilus/Cicatrix Maledictum stuff.


Having said that, I'm weirdly not too botherd about actually making an army to play with - if I'm going to play 40k, it's Kill Team, so will dip in and out of my 'Old Marines' between the various Kill Teams I'd like to make.


Would I ever do Primaris?  Well, apart from the Kill Team I've built from the cheap Conquest minis, it depends on two things:
- 1: How that range expands, at the moment it's limited and not hugely exciting;

- 2: What GW come up with for Chaos Marines, so that they look (at least size wise) a match for Primaris.


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