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Deathwing Showcase


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Thanks, maschinenpriester.


My mentality has always been to aim for GW quality/visual standards while keeping the process as simple as possible.


My process works something like this:

1) Group all bitz by the color they will need to be (cutting them from sprues as needed) and then spray all of them in that color. In the case of, say, a weapon arm where the arm needs to be one color and the weapon needs to be another, I spray the whole thing and hand paint the weapon.


2) Use a pre-planned, limited palette to fill in the details. I prefer a limited palette because it's too easy to go with one of every color and have the model look like a rainbow (or just look non-descript).


3) Depending on the look I'm going for, I will drybrush, highlight, inkwash, stipple, etc as needed. In general, the more elite the unit is, the more likely I am to use some or all of the above techniques, although it also depends on the unit's lore (Iron Warrios beg to be drybrushed).


4) Unless the model is a showpiece or (in some cases) needs help to prevent issues with wobbling, I generally don't worry too much about basing. It's too easy for me to get sidetracked from painting by trying to think of ideas for bases (though if something pops into my head on the spot, I'll act on it).


Stay tuned for more showcases.

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