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'Casual' Tournament tomorrow...


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My LGS is hosting a casual tournament tomorrow. Payment is a $10+ toy to be donated to a Christmas-related charity (of which I forget the name). 50 Power Level game. Ideally everyone is meant to bring a fun army. Everyone is going to get some kind of a prize regardless, so it's not a big deal if you win or lose. However some people each year does bring a rather competitive list, but that's just the nature of the beast I guess.


I've been talking with my buddy about what list I want to bring. And... I think I came up with either something evil, or downright hilarious... Possibly a mix of both...


Lucius Forgeworld

Spearhead Detachment:

1 Enginseer

1 Datasmith

2x 2-man Fistellans

1x 3-man Dakkastellans (if the 3rd robot is not allowed (Battlescribe is saying I can, but idk) then I'd take the extra 6PL for maybe a squad of Infiltrators)


Auxiliary Detachment: UR-025


March of the Robots. 3CP total.


Did I just create a monster? I feel like I just created a monster... and I kinda wanna do this, but I don't wanna be That Guy... but I kinda do...

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Sorry, completely forgot to post in here!


So there were 22 people that showed up. 50PL a person, 3 games (so 11 matches at a time), 5 battle rounds a game. The competitive streaks were minimal, most armies were thematic or silly. I brought the robot list as shown above. It... didn't go so well for me lol


First game was against Raven Guard. Spearhead detachment w/ 2 devastator squads, a vindicator, apothecary, LT, and Shrike. While I didn't get tabled, I did get my metal butt handed to me. By the end of that game, my opponent/buddy had 4 outta 6 objectives, while I had 1, 1 robot, and UR still alive. Painful, but a funny game.


Second game... went up against Space Wolves. 2 squads of Thunderwolves, Wolf Lord on Wolf, rune priest on bike, and 2 squads of bikes.... ALL OF THEM with thunder hammers and storm shields. And he got the turn 1 charge easily... I was tabled end of turn 2. I was a little annoyed at it, but it is what it is.


Last game, went up against my buddy and his Iron Hands. King of the Hill style game. He had 3 intercessor squads, a repulsor, squad of devs, and a captain and LT..... we beat each other to a pulp, but I ended up winning by tabling him and controlling the center. Casualties were high, banter was much higher (as it always is with that guy). We both had fun.


All in all, everything went great. Heard a lot of funny stories from the other games going on (one guy got tabled because all he had on the board at the time was a razorback and stormraven. Everything else was in the raven or reserves. He was considered 'tabled' because his razorback got killed and nothing was able to get out or drop. It was really funny). At the end of it all, everyone got a $40 voucher to get 1 GW box. I ended up picking up a free box of Skitarii.


Fun day. Exhausting though, but fun.

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