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Black Knight

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I asked this question a few months back and wanted to see if peoples preferences had changed. So what detatchments do people take in Pure Admech armies?


I did find double batalion had a few too many troops a while back but there are alot of command points.

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The current list I'm building and painting is a Battalion and Spearhead combination, but with the points adjustments incoming and lots of Vanguard/Ranges in the list already, I'm tempted to adjust it to a double Battalion. I don't want to thin down the rest of the army to get the required Fast Attack needed for a Brigade so it seems to be a good compromise.

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I still think double Battalion is the best option since we have "cheap-ish" Troops to fill it, though Enginseer tax is real.  +10 CP is just too good for Wrath of Mars et al re-use, among other linchpin Stratagems.

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