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Magnets ;)


But I like the style of a relic blade with a storm bolter using GK bits (no idea how they'll look on Primaris), although the master crafted bolter is arguably better than the storm bolter.  Also, Teeth of Terra and a storm shield.  Actually just about any melee weapon looks good with a shield :D

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For cool, just pick the weapon with better appearance.


For game playing, Hammer is the most competitive weapon choice for marine heroes. Way better than dmg d3 weapon. And dmg1 weapons are just wooden sticks.


That's a spot-on summary. Depressing, but spot on. I'm a fan of relic blades, though. They somehow seem more fitting that thunder hammers, whose use I'd reserve to Terminators. Sure, hammers are most efficient when it comes to bare dmg/points, but they lack the elegance of a relic blade or power sword.


Relic blade / teeth of terra + combi-plasma / master-crafted bolter would be my choices.

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For cool, just pick the weapon with better appearance.


For game playing, Hammer is the most competitive weapon choice for marine heroes. Way better than dmg d3 weapon. And dmg1 weapons are just wooden sticks.

Agreed. Fists and Relics only being 9 points is I think something making them worth considering. Most notably I feel a Primaris Marshall w/Fist&Plasm Pistol is only 92 points (compared to a 95 point Marshall w/Hammer). Has one more attack and a useful range weapon*.


But for example, sake of math with new WT.

Primaris Marshall - 6 Attacks

-4 Hit

-2 Miss

*rerolls 1 miss. Making 4.66 hit. An average 1.16 additional hits, 5.82 total.

-Wounds 5.15. (Causing around 4.35 or around 8.7 damage wounds vs 3+ no IV. With IV 4+ we are talking 5 Wounds. With 3+ IV, we are talking 3.5 Wounds).


RegMarshall - 5 Attacks

-3.32 hits

-1.66 missed*

*rerolling average 0.83 for 0.54 more hits. A total of 3.86. Averaging 0.96 extra hits. A total 4.8 hits.

-4.0 wounds (causing causing around 3.3 wounds vs 6+ or 9 damage. Vs 4+ IV, 2 Wounds and 6 damage. Vs 3+ IV, 1.3 and 3.9 damage on average).


This is interesting dynamic as both setups are causing a similar output and input. Long story short, don’t discount the humble Power Fist output.


If your running a Hammer only Marshall. I’d consider doing a Fisty Primaris Marshall.


*Marshall w/Shield&Pack would change equation.

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I think it depends on what you want your Marshal to be doing as well. The relic blade is a great option especially now that it's only 9 points. Something to keep in mind is thst the the way the -1 works on thunder hammers and PF essentially negates your rerolls when doing the math because any twos you roll can't be rerolled. Also with the new WL trait you can't have extra hits on 6's because you can't roll 6's anymore (similar to Grimaldus ability)


Another thing to consider is that damage doesn't carry over so if you are throwing him at infantry with 2 wounds or less the relic blade is probably the best option.

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I think it depends on what you want your Marshal to be doing as well. The relic blade is a great option especially now that it's only 9 points. Something to keep in mind is thst the the way the -1 works on thunder hammers and PF essentially negates your rerolls when doing the math because any twos you roll can't be rerolled. Also with the new WL trait you can't have extra hits on 6's because you can't roll 6's anymore (similar to Grimaldus ability)


Another thing to consider is that damage doesn't carry over so if you are throwing him at infantry with 2 wounds or less the relic blade is probably the best option.

Our Warlord Trait is UNMODIFIED SIX’s

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I think it depends on what you want your Marshal to be doing as well. The relic blade is a great option especially now that it's only 9 points. Something to keep in mind is thst the the way the -1 works on thunder hammers and PF essentially negates your rerolls when doing the math because any twos you roll can't be rerolled. Also with the new WL trait you can't have extra hits on 6's because you can't roll 6's anymore (similar to Grimaldus ability)


Another thing to consider is that damage doesn't carry over so if you are throwing him at infantry with 2 wounds or less the relic blade is probably the best option.

Our Warlord Trait is UNMODIFIED SIX’s

Cool, thought I had heard it the other way, but that just makes it that much better then!

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I like the idea of the WT on the Champion, personally. A bit of extra oomf versus chaff and even more death in duels. Probably a bit more thematic than strategic but I still like it ;)


That said, extra hits with hammers on a 6 could potentially be brutal.

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thats a good question because the Emperors Champion is not a named a charakter like Grimaldus or Helbrecht (they exict just one time / there is just 1) But a EC is more a special rank.  I thought there was a difference between them in the rules too.

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thats a good question because the Emperors Champion is not a named a charakter like Grimaldus or Helbrecht (they exict just one time / there is just 1) But a EC is more a special rank. I thought there was a difference between them in the rules too.

Not exactly the case, named or unique characters in codex vanilla marines had to take chapter specific warlord traits. Which this is.

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So I cheated, apparently. Using the WLT on EC. But it was glorious while it lasted. (Full disclosure, I used it before knowing/confirming it wasn’t legal). Now, my EC is infamous at my LGS. Which is a shame, as my opponents didn’t face him with any characters and kept them in the back as buff bots. However, he did manage to slay a mekadread? (Garbage can?) quite easily in one round of combat. One hit exploded. It was awesome. He then proceeded to kill dozens or Orks and only taking 2 wounds. The Emperor protects.
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