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Character load outs


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My favourite loadout is: Sword of the High Marshal, Kombimelta and Tiara of Repulsiveness!

Jokes aside, i love Helbrecht, but run a marshal with stormshield and poweraxe (which happens to be a relic blade every so often). Castellans i tend to run with kombiplasma and chainsword.

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Well. I used to mainly use chaplains and the EC. last marshal I built was a terminator with stormshield and burning blade. IDK what to do with him now...


I have a gravis captain and a regular primaris captain to build tho...

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1. Terminator marshal with Hammer and Shield Eternal as main Warlord with +1w and 6+++

2. Marshal with Jump pack, Combi-Melta and Thunder Hammer + Relic Armor (2+ 3++)

3. Marshal with Jump pack, Storm shield and Thunder Hammer

4. Marshal with Jump pack, Storm shield and Teeth of Terra as secound warlord with swordmaster.

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