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Sammael w dw knights?


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Well as the titel says: Has anyone tried combining sammy with dw knights?


With Dw knights getting cheaper, how about running a batallion with Sammy as warlord, stay and shoot turn 1, push forward turn 2 giving dw knights re-rolls to that charge roll. Let a talon master and dark shroud join in for buffs and -1 to hit if your knights fail the charge. (+ rw bikers and black knights)

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Haven't tried it, but it's going to work horribly with just knights, a talonmaster, sammael and a darkshroud. You have poor synergy between the ravenwing and the deathwing as the rules are now, so you're better off with greenwing supporting one of them, but both is so hard to pull off due to points restrictions, even to a limited degree.

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I think challenging without other support mixed in.  As an example, the current list I've got has Sammy + Talonmaster + BK + Darkshroud as a ball moving around, and then DK with a DW Ancient and Librarian deepstriking (Librarian as warlord with MoM).   The two could work together (for the re-roll 1 in hit/wound), but works equally well alone with the Librarian (Righteous Repugnance & Aversion).  


The points reduction is letting me put in some much needed backfield heavy support options.

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Sorry for being unclear, I was thinking with some greenwing support like hellblasters for example (or ravenwing/deathwing like you cyberc1). I was more thinking of how you guys think playing dw knights alongside ravenwing works out. This is more of a tactics question than a list build question, Is there a good tactic combining these units?


Your list looks interesting cyberc1, played any games with it?

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They used to work OK in 7th as a huge distraction and bullet magnet


In 8th the best results with combat units I've had is drop them in behind terrain to set up what is now a T3 charge. The change to T1 DS makes them a bit of punt.


Maybe back to a Land Raider + Asmodai?


Problem is points there still a fluff choice, rather than trying to gear round them just take them and see how your opponent reacts to having the bad boys floating in orbit and feel the joy when they actually make a charge.


If they ever could get into combat they would be good but delivery is kind of a problem

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Yup - actually just played yesterday versus a Tzeentch daemon list, with a two daemon princes, two of their herald thing on skimmers, two units of screamers, two units of flamers, two exalted flamers, 20 strong unit of pink horrors, 20 strong unit of blue horrors, and 20 strong unit of brimstones (i think).  Plus some 400 points left over for daemonic summoning.


Ended up winning in the last turn (Maelstrom game - tactical gambit).  I over extended by black knights and they got eaten up by screamers, but then the Deathwing Knights came wailing in and they were pretty successful at making their 3++.  Basically the DW Knights mashed everything apart - they lost three people over the course of a few turns, but were able to hold their own in combat against the herald, brimstones, screamers, and daemon princes.


Generally speaking it worked best to drop the Deathwing in support of the Ravenwing deathball, and in the middle of where all the action was.  The MoM warlord trait helped me get them into combat.  Ancient's +1 attack was pretty money imo.  



Sorry for being unclear, I was thinking with some greenwing support like hellblasters for example (or ravenwing/deathwing like you cyberc1). I was more thinking of how you guys think playing dw knights alongside ravenwing works out. This is more of a tactics question than a list build question, Is there a good tactic combining these units?


Your list looks interesting cyberc1, played any games with it?

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If they ever could get into combat they would be good but delivery is kind of a problem


I had that same issue a while back - 250pts wasted as they'd deepstrike, fail their charge, and then be stuck. However, now that they're down to 185 points, it's not as much of an investment in points, plus supporting them with MoM is essential. This way, if you get a bad charge roll, then you can either CP re-roll a single dice, or MoM the whole roll.


The other night I played an Interrogator-chaplain with jump pack. Re-rolling all hit rolls is just awesome, and through in a power fist too and you have a nice overall anti-vehicle unit.

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Yes that's my question! How the dw knights can support ravenwing! I'm also thinking that when you drop them, if they don't make the charge, you might charge in with your ravenwing instead just to lock up the enemy gunline, so your expensive termies don't get shoot down next turn. Have to try this soon.



Yup - actually just played yesterday versus a Tzeentch daemon list, with a two daemon princes, two of their herald thing on skimmers, two units of screamers, two units of flamers, two exalted flamers, 20 strong unit of pink horrors, 20 strong unit of blue horrors, and 20 strong unit of brimstones (i think).  Plus some 400 points left over for daemonic summoning.


Ended up winning in the last turn (Maelstrom game - tactical gambit).  I over extended by black knights and they got eaten up by screamers, but then the Deathwing Knights came wailing in and they were pretty successful at making their 3++.  Basically the DW Knights mashed everything apart - they lost three people over the course of a few turns, but were able to hold their own in combat against the herald, brimstones, screamers, and daemon princes.


Generally speaking it worked best to drop the Deathwing in support of the Ravenwing deathball, and in the middle of where all the action was.  The MoM warlord trait helped me get them into combat.  Ancient's +1 attack was pretty money imo.  



Sorry for being unclear, I was thinking with some greenwing support like hellblasters for example (or ravenwing/deathwing like you cyberc1). I was more thinking of how you guys think playing dw knights alongside ravenwing works out. This is more of a tactics question than a list build question, Is there a good tactic combining these units?


Your list looks interesting cyberc1, played any games with it?


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