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Question on "Codex-Compliant" Successor Chapter Structures


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I love it!



So,maybe this could work:


Have the 1st Company with,


Ten Knights as the first squad (similar principle as with the 8th company)

Four squads of Terminators

5 squads of veterans


Then, each battle company would have


A master

An interrogator chaplain (regular chaplains in the reserve companies)

2 lieutenants

3 members of a command squad

5 veterans

5 DW terminators


That gives it a commander, a chaplain, a command unit (lieutenants, command squad) and 10 veterans, split between 5 normal veterans AND a small squad of DW... Spread across the 4 battlw companies, keeping an eye on things, and answering to the hexagrammaton-esque protocols.


That way the First Compant still concentrates the best of the best, but you have one small team of terminators in each battle company, giving it a more cohesive structure.


Follows the same idea as having one RW squadron per battle company, with a 50:50 split of RW and non RW in the 8th company.


And makes each battle company 117 active brothers. 60 tacticals, 20 devastators, 20 assault/RW, and finally 10 veterans/DW to lead them, all under a Master and IC, supported by the company command squad and the lieutenants.

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Thats a good point.


I plan on the squad number to go on red over the arrow, to tie it together, hoping that will bring it in and make it noticeable.


Other way to go would be to do it red with a white number for the squad mark.
But I do not want to overdo it with the red either.


It is a mystery to solve entirely, yet....

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So going over and over the issue, I have come to the conclussion that using red on the heraldry would be too much red on the mini. The white emblem does look "lighter" (if that makes any sense?) on the board. Contrast is an issue, but some dark shading on the edges does create a better contrast. Specially since the cream color I am going with for the inserts of the shoulderpads is actually quite dark, once miniatures are starting to be placed in groups. More so, after some matte spray over them to finish the paint itself.


I thank you, for your comments and suggestions. I really appretiate it a lot, as much as any and all advice that has been shared with me to make this chapter into one that is fun and satisfying to put together, lore-wise.

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Guys, a question if you may.


According to the Codex, the aquila in the chest piece of the Power Armor... Should it be in the same color for the chapter? Or is it company based, like with the shoulder pad trims?


Cant find an answer.

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Guys, a question if you may.

According to the Codex, the aquila in the chest piece of the Power Armor... Should it be in the same color for the chapter? Or is it company based, like with the shoulder pad trims?

Cant find an answer.

I believe the Aquila is one of those things that is left open for the Chapter to decide. A lot of codex compliant markings are supposed to be just options, with the intent being that they would be varied regularly to keep enemies unaware of their exact meaning in protected campaigns. So one battle the company colour may be on the shoulder trim, then another the Aquila, and then kneepads in another. Given that, I'd imagine that whatever you choose for it would probably be fine.

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It's been so long since I painted a marine in mk VII that I'd forgotten how important that aquila is! I've always chosen a colour that contrasts well with the armour. On black or a very dark green that will be bone, white or grey. Earlier models were a lighter green and I painted their aquilas with gold or brass, similar to your photo above.

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  • 1 month later...

Update on the army.


So, here is an almost entire tactical squad. First Squad, Second Company, of the Wings of Dawn. Sergeant is missing, because the three sergeants of the three tactical squads will be done after the third squad.


The scheme actually looks pretty on the board. They actually are identifiable now, when amongst ruins and against other minis.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Two Squads down, another one on the works.

I have done some inventory, and had failed to realize I almost have enough marines to make a full Company. 60 tacticals, 10 assault, 10 bikers, 20 devastators, plus Master, Chaplain, 2 Lieutenants, Company Command Squad, and 5 DW for Veterans.

... I say HAD, because I just came back from getting another box of tacticals and a nother box of devastars, which means now I should have enough. 100 Marines strong! Will probably take a year t get it all done.


In any case, I also managed, while checking my bits box, to do something else. My old Company Master (from the Dark Vengeance box) is getting promoted to Chapter Master. I got together bits from some GK boxes and some regular marine boxes, to add them up for a decent Master in power armor for the company, as his successor.


The Dark Vengance Master has always felt to me like a good Azrael stand in. His winged hemlet is pretty much spot on for the Helm of Azrael, and his armament matches Azraels too in a purely aesthetic sense. My big issue was always converting a Watcher in the Dark to finish the model. But, I managed to snatch up something else to use!


So, in lieu of a Watcher in the dark holding a helmet for my Chapter Master and "Azrael" equivalent, I will have...


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An old school marine's best friend, in a world full of Primaris stuff.... The best of bois, to keep my greenwing safe from harm, yes sir.


Will be posting images as they become available.



As the fuiture begins to convince me of a time, not far off, when all we will be able to use ruleswise will be Primaris, I have come to see this re-working of my army no longer as building an army to play, but as building one I can call a collectible. A full Dark Angels Successor's Battle Company, 100 marines strong, plus the Chapter Master and retinue.


If GW decides to just let go of all old school models, then atleast I want to be able to look ad my old army on a shelf with satisfaction of a job collecting them having been done to completion, in a sense.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys.


The army treads slowly along.


Here is a small conversion for the First Lieutenant of the 2nd Company, in charge of the 2nd Company, 1st Battleline. Built as a support HQ choice to my dog, err... I mean, Chapter Master.


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Made out of the sgt of one of the Dark Vengeance tactical squads, plus the helmet of a Command Squad Champion, and a regular bolt pistol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Finally, the commanding units for the company are finished!


2nd Company, 1st Tactical Sergeant

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2nd Company, 2nd Tactical Sergeant

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2nd Company, 3rd Tactical Sergeant

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And, the 2nd Company, 1st Lieutenant

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With that, the entire 1st Battle Line of the 2nd Company is done. Three tactical squads of 10, each led by its own sergeant, all carrying plasma guns, combi plasmas and plasma cannons. The entire Battle Line under the direct command of the 1st Lieutenant, who answers to the Company Master (who is in the works).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so, here is an overall update on my successors, the Wings of Dawn.


So far, its the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tactical Squads of the 2nd Company, forming the 2nd Company, 1st Battle Line.


Each Squad composed of 10 Tactical Marines. All three squads geared for plasma weaponry, carrying a Combi Plasma and Chainsword on the Sergeant, a Plasma Gun Specialist, and a Plasma Cannon Specialist. The battle line is led by the 2nd Company, 1st Lieutenant, who (in these pictures) is guarded by the Lion Helm successor chapter equivalent, the brave hound of war of the Chapter Master.


The Chapter Master will follow, but for now, these are the points I have ready. Not the most strategic force, but thematic at least. I'm looking forward to trying them on some friendly games on the table.


Please, any praise and applause will be most welcome! (And, yeah, criticism too, I guess... but I kinda want to feel good about the chapter thus far so, for the time being, so please, be gentle with this tired old soul.... Or not, I'm not your boss, or anything.)


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