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Question on "Codex-Compliant" Successor Chapter Structures


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Quick question


I want to get together three squads of devastators for the army.


Two squads to belong to the second company, painted in gold. Standard 5-man squads of heavy bolters and missile launchers (sans the cherubs)

Then, a third squad as a 10-man unit of Plasma Cannons.


My idea is to set up this third squad as a renowned unit from the chapter as a whole. A group that is normally tasked with tagging along other formations of the chapter, in different engagements.


What would make more sense?


a) To have this guys come from one of the other battle companies (hence, being guys who regularly see action), or

b) To have them come from the 9th reserve company, under a form of hexagrammaton protocol (hence, being guys that bolster the firepower of whichever battle company they are attached to for the job, before going back into reserves)


What feels like it would make more sense, and be mote consistent with the traditional organization of an Adeptus Astartes Chapter, and/or the traditions of the 1st Legion?

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I am trying to follow the codex for this army color scheme.


So, wih the tacticals coming from the 2nd Company, their color is gold.

I plan a Dreadnought from the 1st Company, which would make its markings white

I also plan for a squad of 3 Multi Melta Attack Bikes, from another company, along with these Devastators from another company.


Originaly I was planning on having the Devastators come from the 9th Reserve Company (which would make their markings light blue)

I was also planning for the Attack Bikes to come from the 8th Reserve Company (which would make their markings grey)


In particular the Devastators I thought would look good, as their shoulder trims and chest aquila could be done the same color as the plasma on the cannons themselves.


The logic of this would be in the chapter applying a variation of the old Hexagrammaton organization, with the chapter having a transversal structure where specialist squads join from across the chapter when taking the field of battle.


Now, should I go with the squads coming from other battle companies, the principle idea in terms of lore would still work. Just that, the formations all come from he battle companies, which are the ones with most combat experience after all. Would make sense.


So, with that in mind, the thing to consider would have to be color... Either Red for the 3rd Company, Green for the 4th Company, or Black for the 5th Company. This, with consideration to the basic color scheme of the chapter (Green armor, broken white for the shoulder pads, soft armor, backpack crown and top of the helmet, with brown and steel for the gear and weapons)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys!


So... Final model for the Batallion is done.


The Chapter Master!


Sporting the army colors of base green, and white shoulders. The white helmet of a command unit, and the silver markings of the Chapter Command rank and status.


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Ive always found that this model is one of the best out there for a Master. It is just amazingly loaded with DA iconography. Looks grim and collected, yet menacing and powerful. I love it.


And, I think he serves as a very good Azrael equivalent.

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These look fantastic Berzul. I really appreciate and admire the amount of thought you are putting into your chapter. :yes: :yes: :yes: 

I haven't read it all but the colour scheme looks so great! The purple and cream on the master is beautifully regal and stunning!

With my army I have a slightly deviant colour scheme to the traditional Dark angels (basically replaced red with orange) so the idea of running it as a successor chapter appeals to me, but I always just play them as regular DA. All these great purples on DA I am seeing lately is giving me ideas to have splashes on purple on my scheme now... Should work well with the oranges and greens and creams and grays I have.

But my imagination is not great and it seems too daunting to articulate and create a successor chapter with a structure, lore, names, and stories, etc.. I've tried brainstorming many times but can never decide on anything haha, so the project to create a successor chapter just gets forgotten.

Maybe I can give it another go one day after ETL.

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Man, I've haven't visited this thread before because I thought it was an actual discussion about Chapter organisations. Looks like a WIP-thread to me! Love your painted miniatures, the shades of your colours are really pleasant to see.


The only critique I can offer is to change the title of your thread and to remove the spoilers from your pictures, a page filled with finished models is glorious!

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These look fantastic Berzul. I really appreciate and admire the amount of thought you are putting into your chapter. :yes: :yes: :yes: 


I haven't read it all but the colour scheme looks so great! The purple and cream on the master is beautifully regal and stunning!




With my army I have a slightly deviant colour scheme to the traditional Dark angels (basically replaced red with orange) so the idea of running it as a successor chapter appeals to me, but I always just play them as regular DA. All these great purples on DA I am seeing lately is giving me ideas to have splashes on purple on my scheme now... Should work well with the oranges and greens and creams and grays I have.


But my imagination is not great and it seems too daunting to articulate and create a successor chapter with a structure, lore, names, and stories, etc.. I've tried brainstorming many times but can never decide on anything haha, so the project to create a successor chapter just gets forgotten.


Maybe I can give it another go one day after ETL.


THanks! THe lore of the chapter is not here,a ctually, so there is not much point in reading all of it. But, I'm happy the color scheme looks nice!

I've played successors all my life, so I guess its about being used to creating the lore for them. I am quite behind in writting the lore for this chapter, although most of it I have indeed planned out already.




Man, I've haven't visited this thread before because I thought it was an actual discussion about Chapter organisations. Looks like a WIP-thread to me! Love your painted miniatures, the shades of your colours are really pleasant to see.


The only critique I can offer is to change the title of your thread and to remove the spoilers from your pictures, a page filled with finished models is glorious!



.... yeah, sorry! I guess the thread STARTED as me asking on how to form the organization of the chapter, but as I got pictures to post, I just kept posting them here, and now the thread has little to do with its original intent.


THanks for the comments! I will go ahead and put this all in its own Chapter Thread.

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Just quickly posting here a link to the Chapter Lore, and Chapter Gallery thead I created in case anyone wants to check it out.

I've already posted a bunch of info an the best pictures I had of the models.


With that, I can leave this thread to be used again to discuss Successor Structures, in case anyone wants to discuss the m in more detail :D

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