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Executioners Killteam/Raider group

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Been a while since I was last posting anything on the B&C like many I fall in and out the hobby as life dictates.


I recently got my hands on some Marines + bitz and a Vallejo game colour paint set so thought I'd open a plog here again to chart/Inspire my progress.

Putting together a small Executioners killteam as a test and expand into a wee army.


Commander Markan Grim

DnvIiT.jpg vMzAuZ.jpg


Sergeant Gortus - Flamer

yulRky.jpg DL1PRP.jpg


Axe Brother Missile Launcher (Mandolorian style)

aeJENY.jpg e2rc28.jpg


Axe Brother Assault

Qo47rn.jpg UWflP6.jpg


Axe Brother Bayonet

KrNVnB.jpg JTh7U1.jpg


Axe Brother scout

Zw1SHo.jpg cTKlZ9.jpg


Took me a while just to start putting these together, will be taking my time painting aswel but will update as I go.




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Thank you, plan to start painting them soon, I acquired some standard power armour helmets which should work well with them.

They represent the penitent crusade force so they are not primaris, seems cheaper than the expense of creating truescale marines.

  • 4 weeks later...


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