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Can Belial take Foe smiter?


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I'm playing a game tomorrow and while building my list it has occurred to me that Belial could take Foe smiter.

"Model with storm bolter only"


Well Belial has a storm bolter. Am I missing something? For some some reason I've always assumed he couldn't.

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Generally speaking, Unique Characters cannot take relics.  This will be the case in every tournament.


If this game is open play and your opponent agrees, anything goes.


With the custom character rules coming in CA, you'll get some options to make a custom Deathwing or Ravenwing Captain for your successor chapter.

Depending upon what all the possibilities are and what the official limitation are, we might even see some tournaments allow the custom characters.

I'm not holding my breath on that response from TOs, but it could be a possibility.


Especially if they set up the bonuses and burdens for the custom characters to be similar to how they set up the Freeblades, which tournaments allow, and are essentially custom characters for Imperial Knights.


I'm already thinking about the bits I'm going to need to make a Chaplin and Librarian Talonmaster.

It is a toss up on what I'm more excited about... the update to my sisters of battle or my next modeling project for Ravenwing.


Sorry for taking this slightly off topic.

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