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Leadership below zero


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Hey, was just wondering if leadership just capped out at zero, or if you could reduce leadership into the negatives?


Theoretically, it's possibly for nightlords with Harken Worlclaimer to drop an enemy's leadership by -9, thru use of three squads of raptors (-1 for night Lord's, -1 for being in melee), butcher Cannon (-2 to leadership if they take a wound), and harkeens -1 aura. Now, obvs this combo is super difficult to pull off and unlikely, but what would happen, if say, you smashed into a guard (ld 7) squad with it? Would they be ld 0 or ld -2?


(Assuming there's no 7th edition era rule, that I missed, where if a stat hit 0 you died)

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pg 13 of the battle primer (dont have the MRB in work or a digital copy but it will be at the end of the section talking about Data Sheets)... on the right of the page (in the margin) at the bottom of the coloum modifiying statistics


that, regardless of the source, characteristics of ‘-’ can never be modified, and the Strength, Toughness and Leadership characteristics of a model can never be modified below 1.

Edit - MRB page 175

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