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Heavy infantry


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I currently have no heavy infantry at all and I’m looking to get two boxes soon. The options I’m considering are Bolter aggressors, tartaros terminators, Cataphractii terminators, or a combination of aggressors and Cataphractii termies.


My current list of things I have are:


Plasma pistol jump-smash

Blender jump captain

Lieutenant with Storm Bolter

Jump librarian

Librarian Dreadnought


20 intercessors


10 DC (one psword, one hammer, rest chainswords)

8 SG (half swords, half fists, two fists with inferno pistols)

2 TLLC Dreadnoughts

1 fragioso

1 sanguinary ancient


3 Bolter inceptors

3 plasma inceptors


One land raider crusader

One land raider.



Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Well every Marine is already heavy infantry to be fair. :P

Okay now a bit more serious, I'd go with Aggressors. The models fit better with the rest of your list, they are "future proof" considering Primaris seems to be the way forward and they aren't really less durable than Terminators except for Cataphractii. Also SG are basically already Terminators with Jump Packs. ;)

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Out of the ones you list I'd get bolter aggressors (then easy build flamer aggressors), then cataphracs then tartaresauce terms. 


If you want your army to pull double duty in the heresy setting, then priority to the terms!


As per Panzer, current marines are being phased out in the current 40k setting, however the models will still remain valid forever. 

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Boltstorm+fragstorm aggressors are the more future proofed option, as primaris is clearly where GW sees the future of marines. If you're looking at terminators, there is another option post-CA - company veterans with storm bolters and storm shields.


An aggressor gets you 6+D6 bolter shots <18", T5, 3+, 2W, and can advance and fire without penalty; they can also fire twice if they don't move.


On-foot veterans, you can get 2 with SB/SS for 1 point less than the aggressor. So that's 2 individual W, 3++, with 8 bolter shots at <12" and 4<24", with an extra inch of movement - that 3++ and 2D weapons wasting the extra damage means the veterans should be quite a bit more robust against guns that one-shot primaris, but can't advance and shoot.


In close combat, the aggressor gets 2 powerfist attacks, the veterans 4 ordinary attacks (no chainsword).


The veterans can hop a ride in a razorback or drop pod, and are also bodyguards for characters, so can happily escort a legacy character.

You can give them jump packs at 5 points per as an index option, but that's arguably overpriced now.


Another option for company vets is plasma gun + storm shield - they then become a more durable hellblaster.


For terminators, the consensus seems to be max-shooty tartaros or combi-bolter/lightning claw cataphractii depending if you want flexible or light infantry killers. Ordinary indomitus terminators are outshot by tartaros, and thunder hammer/stormshield is still too pricey for the difficulty of getting them into assault. In any case, you probably want them teleporting in as they won't last long if walking as they're nearly as vulnerable as primaris to special weapons.


All theory crafting though (currently repainting all my BA), so feel free to take the advice of someone who's used the relevant units on the field instead!

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I guess I did figure the aggressors would be the better option. I just really like terminators (says the guy with about 20 regular chaos terminators and 20 scarab occult Terminators...). I also love deep striking... rule of cool vs pure efficiency... decisions, decisions... thanks for your input guys, maybe I’ll get two boxes aggressors and one box terminators of some flavor.
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