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Blood Angels loyalists and DW

Brother Cruoris

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Hello fellow Angels!

I have a few fluff questions.



For some time I have been interested in making a guard detachment for my blood angels. But I want it to be a BA specific detachment that wear the BA insignia.

Is there a specific guard army/regiment that is loyal only to the Blood Angels?

What colour scheme are they?

How/where should the insignia be placed. Is it possible to use transfers or are they to big?

What models should I use?

I like the death corps of krieg model but maybe they wouldn't fit?

Or maybe there are some 3rd party bits/models that would fit?



Is here an imperial knights house that is loyal to the BA?

Any idea of what colours they have?



I read somewhere that a marine whom served in the deathwatch get to keep the deathwatch shoulder pad, but it switches to the right side?

My question is, is it possible for a BA primaris to have served in the deathwatch and then come back to the BA?

BA didn't get primaris untill after DoB. Or did they exist before that and able to join the DW?

Has the time line progressed long enough for a primaris to have served in the DW and come back?


Thanks brothers!

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1) There might have been some PDF's (Planetary Defence Forces) but they probably got sacrificed to slow Leviathan,

2) Imperial Knights are independent and Sovereign-ish House Hawkshroud has it's world near the Baal and both have had a close relationship with mutual aid,

3) Maybe and can't remember if they swap shoulders

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1) Blood Angel chapter serfs are trained in a number of support duties, including defence of Baal and the fleet - many were failed aspirants and are treated with respect. For Devastation of Baal, they conscripted all able bodied humans for help defending the fortress-monastery, though survivors were all inducted to go through Scout initiation.


AFAIK, There are no specific IG regiments that owe fealty to the Angels, but they always make a point of working with allied militarum forces instead of the more standoffish/brutal attitude from some other chapters; for example, the rescue of the nearly annihilated Cadian regiments at Asphodex in the Cryptus campaign. So you could argue for pretty much any IG regiment stranded in Nihilus to have a good relationship with the BA, but they wouldn't wear BA insignia/colours - for that, you could use chapter serfs auxiliaries, on the basis that time has passed since DoB, and the serfs have been rebuilt. I've seen solar auxilia used as a fleet-based BA serf 'landing party' (IG rules) which seemed pretty fluffy. A cheaper option (outside GW backed tournaments/shops/Warhammer World) would be anvil industry - their gothic void and/or medieval options would work for that e.g.




I don't think any IG-sized models will easily fit existing insignia as they only have small shoulder pads, if any. You could do it with banners, small hand-painted insignia (and any transfers designed for knees) and BA colour scheme though; paint them like scout-like - as long as any actual scouts can be easily distinguished (which they should be with bolters/bolt pistols)

That all said, we don't know much about what's been happening in Nihilus post-DoB, the focus has been on Guilliman and chums; for all we know, the BA have their own Nihilus crusade going on right now to try and keep things together the wrong side of the Rift with reinforcements trickling in via Vigilus.



2) As above, the BA don't have a liege based approach like the Ultramarines (or at least, haven't in any fluff I'm aware of). Closest thing in current fluff to a Knight alliance would be House Hawkshroud - their world is quite near Baal, and they are steadfast oath-keepers. Their primary colour is yellow.


3) Fluff around armour and deathwatch is conflicting. Some sources have it that they keep their original armour on secondment to the deathwatch, but all bar their chapter insignia is painted over, and it moves to the right shoulder so the left can bear the Inquisition pauldron. Newer sources have all their equipment is provided by the Deathwatch, and they take their original armour back when they return home. Generally though it seems that they can keep something from their time in the deathwatch when they return, which in at least some cases is the deathwatch pauldron.


BA-geneseed primaris existed before DoB - those that didn't end up forming new Chapters as part of the Indomitus founding were part of the Unnumbered Sons aka greyshields in mixed geneseed units that served as part of the Indomitus crusade strength; some of these then reinforced the BA chapter (along with other Sanguinus-bloodline chapters) in the end of DoB. So BA chapter specific primaris would be post-DoB, but it's *possible* a greyshield went straight to the deathwatch first, and then returned to the BA later if he hadn't been assigned a specific chapter yet.


The Indomitus Campaign lasted for over 100 years into M42, but we don't know where in the campaign DoB happened. Since the end of the Indomitus campaign we've had both the Plague Wars and now Vigilus so time has moved on from DoB by likely several decades at least. And GW are using chaos warpy timeywimey stuff quite heavily in the fluff lately, as the Great Rift made subjective time even more variable with warp travel than it was before, particularly with the loss of the Astronomicon on the Nihilus side - dates are specific to 

Terra, everywhere else is on 'local' time. So it's even possible a grizzled deathwatch primaris veteran returned to the chapter before he'd even left yet. After being stuck on 999.M41 for so long, GW are't using many specific dates any more, it's all happening 'at some point' in M42.

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