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So I am back and Ihave a question.


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If you remember me, you know I like massive armored assaults. 


That being said, I look to purchase either a Masatdon or some Primas and run them as Crismon Fist just as a support detachment. I have a lot to do, but I also need to buy two more knights, but that is not the discussion....What are your thoughts?


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If you remember me, you know I like massive armored assaults.



We remember everyone brother, welcome back.


There seems to be two general approaches to adopting Primaris into a crusade:


1. Per BrotherTyler, modeling them up as Black Templars

2. Adding them as a support contingent, as you brought up


Either works. In my case, I wanted the models (because they are very cool looking), but I didn't want them to be Templars. So I ended up creating fluff for adding them as Imperial Fists, but using a Unification War scheme.


Regarding the Mastodon, we have recently seen one bearing Templar livery and it was  glorious.

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My reason for not wishing to use the Primaris, was a typo on my part, is they seem more shooty than stabby. Thus, they haven't become quite as Templar as I desire yet. So a force of Crismon Fists supporting would be nice. Also, I wanted to use some blues in my colors, so there is that. 


I have a mighty need to see this Mastodon. I myself, am leaning heavily towards the Mastadon as....well I want one to compliment my numerous land raiders. 

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