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Sisters of silence as allies?


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I was thinking that I could use some close combat unit in my Ad-mech army and that I at the same time need some pshycic protection. Then it hit me, why not get a unit of sister of silence in a rhino? They can both fight, move forward and give some protection from phsycic powers. 


But my questions are:


1. has anyone tried this?


2. are they any good?


3. is there any better option (like a assassin)?


I do love the models and it would be intersting to paint one unit of them with great swords.   

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I've proxied & used a unit of 5 with swords & a unit of 5 with flamers in a rhino, as part of a vanguard detachment with an astropath & primaris psyker using the keyword 'Astra Telepathica'. Meant I was still legally battle forged & got 1cp.


They performed... Ok. Helped more with blocking psychics really. It was a heavy urban terrain set up so the flamer ones helped. I wish I'd had more swords but against low armour they did ok. I'm thinking of getting the real figures to use just so then I could build an imperial knight house with 'lady knights' supporting too

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That sounds very intersting. I´m thinking to start to get a 10-women unit with swords in a rhino. I think they will be fun to paint and be fun (even if not great) on the battlefield :) Thanks for the advice to get a vanguard detachment. I didn´t think about that. 

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Sisters are a solid little unit - great CC ability and MASSIVE debuff aura to psykers. Even one unit imposing just a -1 to manifest powers at a whopping 18" will make your opponent sweat.


Not to mention, if you really need to kill that horde, you can bring an entire unit of flamer ladies too.

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My 2cts: admech suffers from 3 main points: mobility and (less) CC. Sisters don't put much in the firts point and don't add something that we already have on the 2nd. Yes, they can add about psy.


What I did? 3 custode jetbikes captains. But hey, it is the easy rider solution, I'm soooooo lazy ;-)

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