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Sentinals are now worth it?


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Last time I checked an Armored Sentinel with a Plasma Cannon would only suffer a Mortal Wound if it overheats. Or did that change ?


Either way, as I see it when it comes to the Sentinels post Chapter Approved, I do believe they are far more worth taking and it depends on the variation. From what I have seen:


* Scout Sentinels: Running them up with Hvy. Flamer & Chainsword is how I have seen them used and it is a very decent option for someone looking to harass or clear an objective.


* Armored Sentinel: Best suited as Weapon Platforms imo, with the Lascannon and Plasma Cannon being the best weapon options for obvious reasons. Autocannons are decent but I feel that there are other Units that utilize it better.


Just my two cents on this mates .

Nope a Sentinals is slain if you roll a 1. He lacks the plasma vent special Rule from the Leman Russ. So Thats make overcharging a Plasma Cannon suicidal becauce vehicles have no easy accses to a reroll 1
Are you sure that's the case? A sentinel is a Vehicle and a Walker the same as a Dreadnought and when they overheat their plasma they don't suffer instant death. Why would a Sentinel die but a Dreadnought would only suffer a Mortal Wound?



Dreadnoughts use the Heavy Plasma Cannon, which has different rules that it only gets mortal wounds on overheats. Sentinels use normal plasma cannons, which kill the bearer.

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Plasma isn't something I would take on a sentinel as you do a lot of movement with them and that means that even Cadians usually won't get to reroll ones. Autocannons always get 2 shots, they are S7, AP-1, 2 damage. Multi-laser is only good if you're trying to fill a brigade for cheap. Lascannon is great, but it's expensive and when placed on a t5 scout or t6 armored sentinels, your sentinels become easily killed priority targets. The heavy flamer is good for a hyper aggressive player. The missiles suffer from the same problem as the lascannon upgrade. Hunter killers on the other hand, are great for sentinels because people don't prioritize one use weapons and even if they miss, it's only 6 points.
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I can only see myself using Tallarn sentinels really. With the movement penalties, I find that in any other regiment they would basically be glorified turrets. I could see some use with catachan or armageddon flamer sentinels, as their bonuses are pretty useful. But with Tallarn, you can use sentinels to their full potential. Lascannon seems a good choice, as lascannons are a great weapon. I don't understand the "1 shot" problem really, as if you get half the shots but are more than twice as powerful you are still ahead. Also I take multiple.

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You're absolutely right about lascannons with tallarn doctrine. I run cadians, so I prefer the autocannons for their number of shots and damage output. You're right about people using them as turrets, but I like to keep mine stationary for turn 1 only (I use HKs that first turn) and spend the rest of the game harassing light armor with them.
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I think that Autocannon/Missile Launcher + HKM is best on Scout Sentinels because you get some solid T1 firepower from a unit that has been able to reposition without penalty. I figure a couple of Scout Sentinels are still important as, yes, Deepstrike has been nerfed but you can still use them to claim objectives before the opponent can get to them or push back other Scouting units. You can also play the Scout move defensively to protect them T1 and then rush them into jamming position for T2/T3 Deepstrike blocking.


Armoured Sentinels warrant either the Plasma Cannon or the Lascannon. Yes, the former removes the whole model if it overheats but Overcharging is entirely optional. The Lascannon is an expensive investment that the better T and Sv help to protect compared to the Scout variant. The HKM is an optional upgrade here - useful but might be worth skipping to keep costs down.

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Have played a number of games trying out 2x units of 3 Armored Sentinels with the Tallarn Doctrine, and so far after a few games the best results I've had with them have been when they were either with Plasma Cannons or Lascannons. Plasma Cannons are great because so far, I just fire the standard S7 shot most of the time, while only using the Overcharged Shot in emergency situations or when they are down to 1 or 2 wounds. Have only lost 1 to an Overcharged Shot so far (w/only 1x wound left fyi), but the flexibility and firepower they bring is worth it. Lascannons have been effective as well, with the only downside being that they usually get targeted quickly but thats to be expected. Have tested out HKM when I could and they have been hit or miss for me atm.
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Run 3 scout sents with plasma in Chan brigade. The 2d6 shots pick highest is great on them and in harkers bubble reroll ones too. Great for 40pts and cheapest fa slots we have. Against alpha strike armies I use them early game to zone out deepstrikes. Great tool when you need it
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I'm 99,9% sure Scouts can't take Plasma. Not got my Codex in front of me. I know Battlescribe has it as an option, but I think that's incorrect.

They can't.


For some reason only Armoured Sentinels can take Plasma.

Makes sense as an Armored Sentinel, which has more wounds and a higher toughness, would be able to utilize it a lot more effectively than the Scout variant. Besides, Scout Sentinels do much better utilizing the Hvy. Flamer or Autocannon with a HKM with the Catachan Doctrine imo.

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