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Human Sized Death Masks?


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I'm planning on adding a Renegades and Heretics detachment to my Dark Mechanicum army, which is themes around a Heretek that worships the Void Dragon and cannibalizes fallen Necrons for parts. As such, I'm planning on using Cawdor gangers with death masks similar to that of necron warriors for the renegade militia, but I wasn't sure if the stormcast ones would be too large. Does anyone know of appropriately sized alternatives?
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I've used Necron heads with the jaw cut off on Van Saar, and it booked appropriately sized. If you want a smaller full face, maybe Harlequin masks? I tried a Stormcast head just now on a Cadian. It looks like it'll look like they're wearing a full helmet, but it's not grossly out of size as long as you cut off the long neck joint. I'm not sure if how a Cawdor is sized in relation to cadians though.

There's anvil industry, they quite a few guard scale heads (stahlhelm death mask and bionic for two examples)






Maxmini skull heads:




Puppetswar.eu has a wide range of heads too.


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