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1st Turn Dakka


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Recently I have been struggling with 1st turn dakka.


I play with 3 units of 16 Genestealers (usually at the front of my Army) with Flyrants, Hive Guard, etc behind them.


But sometimes when it comes to my 1st turn the Genestealers are only a faction of their starting size.


Is the solution to put hormogants or termagants up front just to soak the fire, or can my opponent choose to shoot over these at teh Genestealers anyway.


What are othe people doing ?

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I personally forgo Gene stealers because they are such easy targets. Even with a 5++ they die in droves.


What I would do however is take a malanthrope or venomthropes to -1 your opponent's dakka.


The Malantheope is the best option since it has 9 wounds and is a character. The 3" bubble is extremely useful.

The way I use my genestealers is with a Trygon(or trygon prime if you have the points).


Take a group of 20 genestealers via Subterranean assault.


That gives you 9 inches to assault a juicy target and take hivefleet behemoth for a reroll that charge if you like.


It's a little pricey, I wouldn't do with more than 2 trygons, but i have pulled it off  a few times


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