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St. Celestine in IG


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Back in the days before codices came out, I saw quite a few people (myself included) running St. Celestine in IG armies. 


However, once the codex came out, this seemed to drop off almost entirely. 


With the new SoB rules, do you think there's any benefit in running her as part of an IG army again? (Either as part of a very small SoB detachment or even just as an Auxiliary Support Detachment.)

If so, do you think running her would be a cheesy thing to do in casual games?

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She's still good, but with chapter approved and vigilus, mono-guard armies are amazing. Celestine costs 160. That's a lot of points for a single model. She gives a 6+ invulnerable save, but that's not exactly great. For only 1 point more you can field an executioner w/ HBs or a basilisk and an infantry squad with voxcaster and plasma. Most of our army won't get coverage anyway. Better to get more guns than as single model that only buffs models close by her.
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She is also an anti-charge hammer, not only a babysitter coward. With reduced cost she is not worse than 1 Dawneagle captain, and no IG player could say "useless" to dawneagles.


Also, sister squad with 3 storm bolters is very cost effective. So no reason to take -1cp detc. Minimium patrol or batallion(you can move Ministorium priest here) is more operationable.

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