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The Ascalon Crusade Reforms!


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Hello Everyone,


A long while ago I used to keep a thread semi-updated with regards to my Crusade and it's happenings, yet it has fallen a bit silent over the past year(s) or so. I've played quite some games, swapped around to some different armies, honed my painting skills a little, and just keep coming back to wanting to finish (and upgrade) my original Black Templar Crusade.


Recently, my eyes caught the painting techniques and scheme's of an artist on Instagram which inspired me greatly to really pick up my Black Templars again.... so here I am. Furthermore, I like Primaris. Yes... I am one of those people but I like how the models look. However, when it comes to the Black Templars, I love what you can do with Primaris to make them very templar-like. Because.... a simple Primaris isn't going to cut it in a proper Black Templar Crusade!


I figured the first Marine painted should be a tribute to this great artist, so I've painted an intercessor in a somewhat comparable painting scheme to what he is doing, using the exact pose of one of his models. I did give it my own twists, especially on the base because I just love basing and making it as realistic as I can.


I give you: Brother Atamer, named after the artist that has inspired me to pick up my crusade again!



What is to come? I've currently got a Repulsor, Redemptor, Revier Squad and Intecessor (9 remaining) Squad to finish. I am also going to do a fully custom Helbrecht and Grimaldus, based on the Primaris Librarian (heresy, I know, trust me you won't recognize the Librarian...) and the Primaris Chaplain. I also still have a Stormraven and Stormtalon lying around, and some vehicles... who knows, maybe those will become part of the Crusade as well.


Curious to hear what you think! Also still looking for some weathering tips, as I really intend to go for a weathered / older look on my models. I don't like it when they look too shiny and new.



p.s. for those interested in seeing the artist I am talking about, check out his instagram: Sinan_atamer.

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Welcome back brother! The Eternal Crusade has seen many of its wandering brethren return as well as many new crusades initiated.


I like what you did on your Intercessor and the armor treatment is very interesting looking. Certainly not something I would have thought of so I look forward to seeing more work in this  regard. I am assuming you would continue the bronze highlights on the vehicles as well?


The only nit I would bring up is the mold line on the helmet. It's one that sneaks up on me as well from time to time, I think  because the Primaris lines are new and not as familiar as  other marks of armor.



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Yeah I actually only noticed the mold line as I posted the picture... I'll have to pay more attention to those on the next models. Currently working on two more Intercessors who are hopefully finished over Christmas. Will try to keep this thread updated. 

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