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=] 12 Months of Hobby Challenge 2019 [=


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And done.... the first 5 members of The Death Deliverers (quite literal!). One of the Death Maidens sub gangs in Hive Mortis.

Thana Mosfett. Leader with lasgun, plasma pistol & power sword.


Khalida Tronek. Champ with heavy stubber


Dabria Mux. Champ with twin stiletto swords


Tanda Sym. Specialist with needle gun


Luci Ferr. Ganger with flamepistol & autopistol


12 Months of Hobby March Summary

The third month of the Challenge saw an excellent return rate, with 19 Frater continuing for another month. These brave Frater were joined by 3 newcomers, bringing a total of 22 Frater pledging for March. Of the 22 Frater, 16 managed to complete their pledges, with several members completing additional models. March saw over 40 models completed, including a scenery piece, and a tank!! This leaves 7 Frater who failed their pledge for March.

Lets award some badges,


Brother Argent - Lord of Contagion

Crovan - Sword Brother

Dwango - 5x Clan Esher Gangers

roguechaplain - AM Vanguard

TrawlingCleaner - 2x BSF Chaos Marines


Brother Calidan - Deathwatch Veteran

Brother Sgt Arkley - 5x Crimson Fist Intercessors

Chaplain Dosjetka - BSF Pious Vorne

Focslain - 3Forge Shrine

Gederas - Chaos Lord

Grotsmasha - BSF Traitor Guardsman

Jolemai - Blood Angel Scout Sgt

rogue - 5x Abherrents

TheOneTrueZon - Black Templar Kill Team

tordeck - 5x Death Guard

Trokair - Macroarid Exploritor










Brother Calidan

Chaplain Dosjetka



Chaplain Dosjetka - 7hrs, 1min - BSF Pious Vorne


Brother Argent






Brother Calidan



TheOneTrueZon - An entire Templar Kill Team

Tordeck - Masses of Chaos


It was a tough call this month between 3 models, but in the end some excellent freehand tipped the scales.

Chaplain Dosjetka - BSF Pious Vorne

Excellent completions this month, lets see that continue with April :thumbsup:

Skip to a month...


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The following award badges are up for grabs this month,

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Upgraded pips will continue to be awarded for consistency,

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There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,

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There are also Silver and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .


Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants

Arkhanist - 4x BSF Ur-Ghuls, 4x BSF Spindle drones

Azaiel - Deathwatch Watch Master

Brother Argent - Terrain

Brother Calidan - 1x CSM

Brother Sgt Arkley - 1x Librarian, 5x Reivers

Chaplain Dosjetka - =] EXPUNGED [=

Crovan - 7x Shadowspear Primaris

DornBeard -

Dragonlover -

Dwango - 10 DA Assault Marines, 2x Scorpius' tanks

Eib.Almera - Terrain

Freedom -

Focslain - 1x Bastion and Aegis Defence Line

Gederas - Primaris Ezekiel

Greenz -

Grotsmasha - 1x DG Plague Marine

Jolemai - Lamertes

marcusc -

Rogue - 1x Abominant

roguechaplain -

Sabadin - Abaddon

TheOneTrueZon - 1x Rogue Trader

toaaee - Ork Weirdboy

Tordeck - 10 Plaguebearers, 20 Poxwalkers

TrawlingCleaner - 3x CSM

Trokair - 1x Deathwatch Primaris Captain

TZ20 -

Pledges for 2019

Dwango - Legion Medusa Squadron

Greenz - DG Daemon Prince

Grotsmasha - Caestus Assault Ram

Jolemai - Imperial Knight with magnetised options

.Torch. - Adeptus Custodes

Participants on the Randomizer

Brother Argent - 1 and a 5, giving Grey Knights or Terrain

Chaplain Dosjetka - 3 and a 3, giving Chaos Daemons

Dornbeard - 2 and a 5, giving either Agents of the Imperium or (7) HH Iron Hands

Grotsmasha - Necromunda Ogryn Judge

Sorry folks but I wont be able to finish my march vow, real life has gotten in the way of painting. Hope to get him done in april instead.


You can't rush quality :tu:


It's amazing to see all the awesome models. I've definitely failed February. Two months of ill health and a stay in the hospital definitely sucks XP


Sounds rough bud, hope you feel better soon

This project has me feeling very inspired. I think if I stop being a hobby magpie and focus one a handful of models, I can get a lot more done, plus, I hear these Shadowspear models calling my name. Time for some camo cloak practice and to get over my fear of painting HQs! Wish me luck, brothers!

I, Crovan , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete one Captain in Phobos Armor, one Lieutenant in Phobos Armor, one Librarian in Phobos Armor, three Eliminators, and one Primaris Infiltrator by month's end.

All of these models will be representatives of various Imperial Fists successors, both canon and DIY.


It's April 1st already!?!?!? I woke up and March was gone. 


I did finish my vow just no pictures and no time to take them. Hopefully will have something to show tonight. 




Ok found 5 minutes to snap a potato pic:



Great job everyone that got their models in!


It’s looking like mine will have to bump over to next month. March started off strong, I got the model base coated and washed. But a week into March, and my kids have been bouncing around illnesses and chest/ ear infections non stop. By the time they’re in bed, I’ve had no energy to sit and paint. At least I know what I’m vowing in April hahaha!

Had lost my painting mojo for this year, feels like it's come back so hoping i can put up an actual showing this month. For my April choice I'll ask Grotsmasha to roll a D3 for me and I'll attempt the following; 1 - finish the eversor, 2 - Noise Marine 3 - Abaddon.

Had lost my painting mojo for this year, feels like it's come back so hoping i can put up an actual showing this month. For my April choice I'll ask Grotsmasha to roll a D3 for me and I'll attempt the following; 1 - finish the eversor, 2 - Noise Marine 3 - Abaddon.


The dice gods declare Abaddon, Champion of Chaos shall see his due...

I, toaae, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete one mostly-already-done Weirdboy by month's end.


12MonthsOfHobbyChallenge Weirdboy


I've been meaning to join this, but kept forgetting. Oh well, can still get 9/12 months, that's a passing grade.

Seems my painting speeds have picked up - here's my completed Abominant, which was my pledge for April. 




His aberramt brothers go into battle for the first time tonight (against Death Guard), and he'll be joining them next weekend for a larger game against an imperial alliance.


My plan for the rest of the month is to crack through some more marine bases, and then back into the Cult come May.


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