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=] 12 Months of Hobby Challenge 2019 [=


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I, Chaplain Dosjetka, vow to assemble, paint, and base ten =][= EXPUNGED =][=, one =][= EXPUNGED =][=, and one =][= EXPUNGED =][= before 31st May 2019. Failure is not an option.


Secrect project vow: month #2. Once this is done, I'll vow something that I can share with everyone. :)

Few quick questions.


How did I get Speed Demon? Shouldn't that be Last Minute?


Bronze badge after 3 or 4 times getting the same badge?


Yep, my bad, it should be Bronze Last Minute (corrected now), earning a badge 3 times will upgrade it. We'll be seeing Silver come June's end :tu:

Yep, my bad, it should be Bronze Last Minute (corrected now), earning a badge 3 times will upgrade it. We'll be seeing Silver come June's end :thumbsup:

All good bro. I know how hard it is to do all the work into running something like this and such. Thank you for everything you do for us.


I think that means I should also have a Bronze Seriously (Feb, Mar, Apr).


Yep, my bad, it should be Bronze Last Minute (corrected now), earning a badge 3 times will upgrade it. We'll be seeing Silver come June's end :thumbsup:

All good bro. I know how hard it is to do all the work into running something like this and such. Thank you for everything you do for us.


I think that means I should also have a Bronze Seriously (Feb, Mar, Apr).



Also my bad, also now corrected :tu:

So I have recently embarked upon a (slightly) ambitious hobby project thats probably going to take most of my hobby time.  In saying that I am never one to not challenge myself.  So I, Brother Argent, vow to complete one Blood Angel (probably captain) from my DIY successor the Angels of Evisceration for this month.  I will get a pic up soon.

Stupidly I've nearly finished a squad of deathwatch marines but I forgot to take a before shot and never vowed them. I'm going to hang fire on finishing them and paint up another squad so I can get my vow in.

I, Dwango , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of May pledge to complete 5 deathwatch marines by month's end. Not sure I can match your standard Azaiel but I'll give it my best shot. That's a great looking marine there. I really like the green lenses.


So I have recently embarked upon a (slightly) ambitious hobby project thats probably going to take most of my hobby time.  In saying that I am never one to not challenge myself.  So I, Brother Argent, vow to complete one Blood Angel (probably captain) from my DIY successor the Angels of Evisceration for this month.  I will get a pic up soon.



I declare my May vow complet, the Ambot is finished*.


* In the end I had to go without the base as the one in the starting picture was only held in place with blutack. When I tried to get the angle right for the actual gluing I just could not get a nice fit where both feet had the right angle to the rock at the same time, and then I misplaced the rock.

I cannot just stick him on a flat base as the spear end is actually lower than the feet, something I only realized after assembly, so he need something raised to stand on.


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