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=] 12 Months of Hobby Challenge 2019 [=


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So this month has not been that great and I really need to spend some time catching up with everything here but I did make a little progress.

I experimented with an airbrush for the first time as well as the new contrast paints, and while the paint scheme I now have is not what I had in mind, it is what I am going to go with. The alternative was either to strip the undercoat from about 100 models and start again or so labor intensive that I would have had no chance to complete my ETL Vow in time.

Any way here I my completed vow of one space marine, along with 4 of his squad mates. Now I just have to do this for another 25 Tactical, 50 special/heavy weapon marines and some odds and ends. Gulp.


Well, that's a second month of nothing gone by. :(


The platinum achievement badge is definitely out of reach for me but I can at least get gold and be happy with that. In any case, congrats to all who've managed to plough onwards. :tu:

12 Months of Hobby June Summary

We're half way done, 6 moths down, 6 more months to go. The Challenge is seeing our numbers dwindle, with 13 Frater pledging for another round, with no newcomers joining Challenge this month. Of the 13 Frater, 12 managed to complete their vows, with most members completing additional models, thanks in no small part to the ETL. June saw us complete an impressive 46 models. This leaves just 1 Frater who failed their pledge for June.

Lets award some badges,









Brother Argent





























Two more months of ETL, show us what you've got :thumbsup:

Skip to a month...


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The following award badges are up for grabs this month,

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Upgraded pips will continue to be awarded for consistency,

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There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,

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There are also Silver and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .

The following Badges can be earned for the duration of ETL VII, and will be awarded for models that are pledged here that are also in a COMPLETED ETL Vow.

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Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants

Arkhanist - Intercessor Squad

Azaiel - DW SW Terminator

Brother Argent - Primaris Librarian ETL

Brother Calidan -

Brother Sgt Arkley -

Chaplain Dosjetka -

Crovan -

DornBeard -

Dragonlover -

Dwango - Venom Crawler ETL

Eib.Almera -

Freedom -

Focslain - 15x Intercessors ETL

Gederas - Primaris Asmodai ETL

Greenz -

Grotsmasha - Terminator Squad ETL

Jolemai -

marcusc - Intercessor Squad

Oshikai - 5x Grey Hunters

Rogue - GSC Russ Battletank ETL

roguechaplain -

Sabadin - Abaddon, Warmaster of Chaos

TheOneTrueZon - Tech Priest

toaaee - 10x Gretchin ETL

Tordeck -

TrawlingCleaner -

Trokair - Master of Signal ETL

TZ20 -

Pledges for 2019

Blissful Brushes - Sculpt, Cast, Paint and Base a Thunder Warrior

Dwango - Legion Medusa Squadron

Greenz - DG Daemon Prince

Grotsmasha - Caestus Assault Ram

Jolemai - Imperial Knight with magnetised options

.Torch. - Adeptus Custodes

Participants on the Randomizer

Brother Argent -

Chaplain Dosjetka -

Dornbeard -

Grotsmasha -

I, toaae, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of July pledge to complete a unit of 10 gretchin by month's end.




Lower-left corner. I'm starting with the Gorkanaut, but pledging the grots for this month just in case it takes me longer than I expect, I can knock those out in a day or two.

So Grandfather Nurgle has blessed me at the tail end of the month and, although I was so close, I am going to fail again for June.  Will finish in the next day or two once I shake this damned thing but until then I am focusing on rest and recovery.  Once I bash out these guys I will revow with my next vow for ETL as well (hint: Rievers or Aggressors)

gorgeous blood angels arkhanist. I'll vow a similar unit for July and try not to dishonour myself in the process.. This intercessor sqd is at the half way point already so this month is to break my 40k drought and get them sorted. Not a fully fledged from scratch to finished vow but I'll take any progress


I've been a bit slow of the mark this month. I've vowed a Cult russ for the ETL, but hadn't got around to posting it here. So this is me, rectifying that:


I pledge to complete a Cult Russ battletank by month's end, or else feel a little bit bad about myself for a few days.


Here's the starting point a week or so ago:


Leman Russ


And here's where it was yesterday morning:


russ Wip


Also, thanks for the artificer badge. I'm seriously flattered (and flattened).

Grotshamsha, question if I may, in the June summary, I was expecting my name not be under the June Completion Silver badge, I assume this is a oversight as it isn’t listed under the normal or bronze completion badge either. Also, out of curiosity, for what did I earn the seriously badge?

Anyway, on to July:

I, Trokair, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of June pledge to complete the Master of Signal by month's end.

I also need to complete 20 Tactical Marines and at least some of the Special/Heavy Weapons squads this month if I want to have any chance of completing my ETL vow.


Picture is from my ETL vow, The Mast of Signals is the guy kneeling behind the Special Weapons squads and in front of the Missile Squad and Rapier Quad Launcher.

Grotshamsha, question if I may, in the June summary, I was expecting my name not be under the June Completion Silver badge, I assume this is a oversight as it isn’t listed under the normal or bronze completion badge either. Also, out of curiosity, for what did I earn the seriously badge?Anyway, on to July:I, Trokair, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of June pledge to complete the Master of Signal by month's end.I also need to complete 20 Tactical Marines and at least some of the Special/Heavy Weapons squads this month if I want to have any chance of completing my ETL vow.

Picture is from my ETL vow, The Mast of Signals is the guy kneeling behind the Special Weapons squads and in front of the Missile Squad and Rapier Quad Launcher.
It is indeed an oversight, I'll fix it :tu:

As for Seriously, the monthly criteria is one model, and I've been awarding it for five or models (one per week or so).

Hey Guys, I haven`t touched a Brush in Months. Actually I had hoped to participate in the ETL, but like every Year I missed the Deadline (July through August ist Crunch Time at my University, so I often lack the Mind for anything else). But my plan is to finally achieve a painted Army this Year.


Seeing this here is awesome, I hope its okay to Jump in during a month.


I, Oshikaii, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of July pledge to complete Five Grey Hunters.


Those Guys have been partly finished for Ages, makes no sense, need to push through. 

My sincere Thanks :).  


This is where they are at the moment, haven`t changed since I posted them in my Thread. Thats something that happens often with my Models, I finish them to 60% or so and hit a wall. But I am gonna finish them now ;).



What he said - if my stuff looked that good at 60%, I'd just stop there. But don't let that stop you :)


Here's my completed July pledge - a cult Russ, armed for ETL purposes (hence the extreme tank-killing approach to the weapon load-out). It's done for ETL purposes, although I'll be painting up the other turret and sponson weapons before I move on to the next thing. Whatever that is. Bases, probably, while I wait for all the paint to fall of a mk1 Russ that goes into the meths after a game on Saturday.


Russ final

I completely forgot to post this, sorry!


I, Arkhanist, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of July pledge to complete another squad of 5 intercessors by month's end.






My sincere Thanks :smile.:.  


 I finish them to 60% or so and hit a wall.


The other 40% is the bases, right? :wink:   I know what it's like though, pushing through and finishing the detail, edge highlighting etc just drags on sometimes...


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