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=] 12 Months of Hobby Challenge 2019 [=


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I, Gederas, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of July pledge to complete a Primaris-scale Asmodai by month's end.



Said model will be part of my next ETL Vow, I just need to finish the current one :lol:

I, toaae, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of July pledge to complete a unit of 10 gretchin by month's end.




Lower-left corner. I'm starting with the Gorkanaut, but pledging the grots for this month just in case it takes me longer than I expect, I can knock those out in a day or two.


And they are finished:


Vow 2 Gretchin Complete

I ended up going with the Gretchin first, as I wasn't feeling the pull of the hobby and didn't feel like doing airbrush work.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this next one. It's in the ETL as vow three, and I'm hopeful that it'll be done by the end of July (leaving August free to finish the squadron), so it's kind of a pledge; but I've already done one for July (the first Russ) and I don't want to get greedy. To be honest, I just like taking part in this thread. So this is a bonus effort to keep me busy through the second half of the month.


What I'm working on is an original Russ model, from way back when it was a new kit. It was originally painted in a fairly standard camouflage, then repainted to the version below because I decided I liked Valhallans (although not enough to ever buy any infantry - my interests switched back over to marines shortly after finishing the Russ).


Here's how it looks so far.


russ 1

The 'before' shot, with a paint scheme from sometime in the 90s

russ 2

After the meths bath - the spotlight and aerial broke off, but the paint came off much more easily than I thought it would

russ 3

Sans sponsons

russ 4

With new sponsons fitted, and a Rhino turret ring added


russ 4

And finally, with the tank commander and undercoated

Man, Abbaddon is comin along great !!!

All around great Stuff Guys :wink:.


I am struggling to get motivated. Truth is that painting is more of a chore for me and I tend to get stressed out or angsty about my results, but I love painted Armies. Need to stay strong :sweat: .

Its mostly the Details, can`t find a Bronze recipe I like, allways struggle with Highlighting Silver etc..

I probably gonna leave the Areas I am just not sure about rather basic and try to finish the overall minis for gaming purposes. I know they look good on the Table, like I said its more some details I never get quite right. But that will hopefully change with practice and getting back in the saddle.

I can allways come back (Yeah right, we all know how that usually turns out:rolleyes:)  . But if I keep repainting the same 5 Shoulderpad Rims , I am not gonna make it. 


Tried a first Base and i am happy how it turned out:




Going for an Urban Theme:



Edit: And no, of course I didn`t make sure that I can actually glue a Marine on all of those in a sensible Way :pinch:

Progress this month has been lacking since I´ve been on holiday. So for July I have a smaller project. When I got back to the hobby 2 years ago I made a terminator with lightning claws because coolfactor. Now with a few games under my belt I decided to rearm him with better equipment.

This how he looks now.


I, Dwango , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of July/August pledge to complete a Master of Possession by month's end.

I Dwango rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos Space Marine Forum and vow to complete

Master of Possession equipped with force stave and holstered bolt pistol - 90

2 Obliterators equipped with fleshmetal guns and crushing fists - 230

1 hellbrute with twin lascannon and fist - 100

5 fallen with boltguns.- 70

of total value 490 points

on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-endgallery_141590_15405_1438762.jpg


Is it too late to throw down for this? Just got back from my year's travelling and am getting back on the hobby horse.

Not at all, jump on in, the more the merrier :thumbsup:



Excellent, thank you :smile.: Grotsmasha I won't pledge for July as I'm away for the weekend and the month is almost over anyway.


Instead I'll put my pledge for 2019 in now and do August's in August.


Vow for 2019


I, Blissful Brushes, embark on the 12 (5) Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the year of 2019 pledge to sculpt, cast, paint and base 1 x Thunder Warrior by year's end.


I only started this yesterday and I still have to work out how to make a proper mould so there'll be a bit of experimentation to go.




Ultramarine is only there for scale. He's not been true scaled so he should have an extra head on him, putting him at just under the Thunder Warrior's neck line.


I will be shaving a few mm off him but want him to be huge - all the sources I have read put them as far bigger than marines and physically on par with Custodes, if not as refined so I've gone with the idea that if a Marine is 8ft, a Thunder Warrior should be coming in between 9-10ft - a good head or so larger.


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