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=] 12 Months of Hobby Challenge 2019 [=


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Thanks, longjohnsilver. Just for you:


Space Hulk : Genestealer


Sadly, they're the only survivors from my original three sets - Hulk, Deathwing and Genestealer. I have no idea what happened to the terminator squads, or the rest of the librarians and hybrids; although my current terminators include ten from the second edition Hulk.

I, Gederas, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete a squad of 6 Night Lord Chaos Space Marines by month's end:



Another Call of Chaos vow. Hopefully I can finish this squad sooner than what the Plague Marines took :lol:

I, longjohnsilver, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete a Reclusiarch (metal) chaplain with a jump pack and melta bombs.





Thanks, longjohnsilver.

That librarian looks great. Next time you finish a model and set-up your camera could you do a close-up shot of the heraldry on the shoulder pad?

Is that an Amber wizard in the background there?


It's not so much a camera set-up as my mobile phone and a tabletop. But here's a couple of closer shots:


librarian 1

librarian 2



This guy (Chief Librarian Nicodemus) dates from a time when my main inspiration was still the original painting guide for marines and personal heraldry and individualised armour was very much a thing. Hence the paint explosion on the shoulder pad. The little blue and white skull thing was intended as a psyker badge, but was later co-opted as a chapter symbol and appears on all of my later marines, like the aggressor here.


And to keep things relatively on topic, here's a work in progress for my magus:


magus Wip

Quick update, I have done all the legs, and the cloaks both inside and out up to the waist. As such I was able to finish the last assembly step and glue torso to legs. This should now make it easier to finish them as I nolonger have to keep track which legs belong to which torso whenever I pick one up.


Rogue, looking good on the Magus, what’s your recipe for the blue robe?

Thanks, Trokair. The robes are painted in line with one of Duncan's Cult tutorials - a Mechanicus Standard Grey base coat; then Stegadon Scale Green (which looks pretty blue to me) all over as a flat layer; then Agrax Earthshade all over; then several thinned-down layers of Thunderhawk Blue, starting on the ridges and flat surfaces, and gradually working into the folds so that it fades into the shadows. And then a final highlight with Dawnstone just along the sharp edges and bottom of the robe, but that's not done in this picture.


What are the massive guns on your rangers? I recognise the rifles and carbines in the back row, and the plasma caliver in the front, but what are the other three? They look seriously shooty.


I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete 2 x Legion of the Damned models by month's end.


To do:

  • Cork base
  • Move model from battle ready to completion

So the two on the left are two other special weapons, I have not fully decided but one will be a Rad Gun and the other a Suppression Laser. As for the weapons, the stock is a Necron Deathmark gun, then one use a spar bit from the Tech-Priest Dominus kit and the other uses two trimmed down Deathmark gun barrels.

The big guy on the right will be my plasma cannon, it’s a Grave cannon bit from the Kataphronkit added to a trimmed down Necron Tessla gun.

Some pictures below from when I built them


Edit: nice work on the Magos

Van Saars makes more sense. Although I wouldn't fire that plasma rocket whilst on any kind of gantry - I can totally see him being thrown backwards over the edge on pure recoil.


And as I'm here, one more from me - the magus' little friend...




And looking at my workload over the next couple of weeks, that is definitely me done for the month (he tells himself, fairly firmly).

  • 2 weeks later...

They are some nice conversions trokair! They'll make an impressive and intimidating van saar gang!

I'm liking the old school Terminator too rogue!

For me, Octobers vow is complete.


Here's an update of my (not so!) slow burn project.


There's still a few bits to do and I'm not sure if I like the tabbard/banner think it's a bit pink compared to the rest of the look.

Things have been hectic this month but heres my October vow. My first ever Ork(!). Always had a soft spot for the Greenskins, but in my younger years the cost of an army of Orks would have not been feasible. Since GW havent said a word about updating the Deathwatch I thought it would be a good time to start some Xenos. This will be a test fig of colours and a speed paint test. My orks will not be painted to the same standard as my DW. So except some sloppiness!


I'd like to apologise for my absence of late, I've been working on an idea for next year that I'm almost ready to show, but I'll tell you that it includes a Planetary Empires map....


We that sounds intriguing! Looking forward to hearing more about it.

I, toaae, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete a Morkanaut by month's end.



Another month, another completion!



Morkanaut Finished


I finished this just in time for the SoCal Open. And it performed admirably for me there, so the fresh paint worked!

I, Gederas, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete a squad of 6 Night Lord Chaos Space Marines by month's end:






I finished the Champion :lol:



Dunno if I'll finish the other four in two days.


12 Months of Hobby October Summary

The Challenge saw 11 pledges for October. Of the 11 Frater, 9 completed their vows, leaving just two Frater failing their pledge for the month. We once again managed to complete 29 models between us.

Lets award some badges,


Brother Argent






















Brother Argent






In a close one between Rogue and Gederas again, it was Gederas' Night Lords squad that takes my Favourite for this month.

Home stretch guys, 2 months to go :thumbsup:

Skip to a month...



The following award badges are up for grabs this month,

gallery_48988_15094_5845.png gallery_48988_15094_1454.png gallery_48988_15094_3346.png gallery_48988_15094_2147.png gallery_48988_15094_2212.png gallery_48988_15094_1984.png gallery_48988_15094_2403.png

Upgraded pips will continue to be awarded for consistency,

There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are also Silver and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .


Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants

Arkhanist -

Azaiel - Blood Axe Kommando

Brother Argent -

Brother Sgt Arkley -

Chaplain Dosjetka -

Dwango - 1x Plague Marine

Freedom -

Focslain - 1x Basilisk

Gederas - Night Lords Lord Discordant

Grotsmasha - 1x Angels of Absolution marine

Jolemai - 1x Blood Angels Captain

longjohnsilver -

Rogue - Rebase all the Terminators...

Sabadin -

TheOneTrueZon -

toaaee - 1x Bonebreaka

Trokair - 1x Astartes Swap Challenge marine

Pledges for 2019

Brother Argent - Imperial Knight

Dwango - Legion Medusa Squadron Kright Tyrant, Knight Rampager, 2x War Dogs

Greenz - DG Daemon Prince

Grotsmasha - Caestus Assault Ram Warhound Titan

Jolemai - Imperial Knight with magnetised options

longjohnsilver - Sharky McSharkface

.Torch. - Adeptus Custodes

Participants on the Randomizer

Brother Argent -

Chaplain Dosjetka -

Dornbeard -

Grotsmasha -


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