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=] 12 Months of Hobby Challenge 2019 [=


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So my knight may not get done for the year but this is my December vow (with three days left in the month)

Okay so I have finally made progress. I give you the before shots:

Kavaros Thorr of Zephaniah Adriyen's Scything Claw


Yuan Xian of Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch's Dawn Blades


Hebron Asariah of Berzul's Wings of Dawn


Paen Deth of Smirnov's Shadow Lords


Bases will be done after painting. Now to undercoat and paint as I have three days for the four and a knight. Something tells me I wont gt it all done. But no matter. I will focus on these four first obviously.

I've been out of the loop with this for a while now but I'm hoping to paint one last model for this challange this year!

Battle-Brother Mraz Mordent, Combat Squad Leader, 6th Reserve Company, Soul Takers Chapter



I hope @Frostbit3 will be happy with this chap. Now, onto painting!

I had some painting time last night so I finished the gun armed Reiver squad.

Vow for December complete.


Thank you Gtorsmash for running this event all year long it has really helped keep me focused. I will take part in next year’s event as well.

Just to quote this over here. I will only post the revised pics in the other thread though.

So at first some crappy pics before I update them and fluff them out tomorrow:

Kavaros Thorr of Zephaniah Adriyen's Scything Claw


Yuan Xian of Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch's Dawn Blades


Hebron Asariah of Berzul's Wings of Dawn


Paen Deth of Smirnov's Shadow Lords


Colours are off because of washed out colors. Will do better tomorrow. Happy new year all...


Time for an update on my pledge for 2019

I've also decided to pledge a unit to work on all year, I've had this piece of twisted and warped doo doo for 5 years....

I, Grotsmasha , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the year of 2019 pledge to gap-fill, paint, and base 1x Dark Angels Legion Caestus Assault Ram by year's end.



.... and this is what it looks like now....



yeah, I haven't touched it.... :whistling:

So last night, with no plans for the Evening, I decided :cuss it, and got cracking on with painting it anyway, gaps and all. I'm ~75% done.


So the model was sitting there, finished and then I had a stupid idea I couldn't not do, so I decided to *try* heat discolouration on the metal parts of the Caestus. It didn't turn out awesome, but then I'm not a Pro PainterTM. I'm please with the result (mostly) and may attempt to even the result out a bit better in the future, but for now, I'm leaving it.




And with that, my 2019 is done. 12 successful months of Hobbying, and my Plodding Along pledge completed too.

Argh! How much time do I have to finish my mini?


Being a bit hungover and trying to paint a mini that has been fighting me all the way is making progress a bit slow. :censored:


You've got all of the 2nd, I'll be wrapping up sometime on my 3rd, about 36hrs or so from now :tu:

Grotsmasha, congrats on the Caestus, so after 364 of days of no activity on your yearlong project you suddenly spring this on us on the last day! Good for you.


The heat distortions look good to me, maybe a little heavy in places but who knows how many maneuvers it has been on since its last overhaul.



Jolemai, congrats on the knight and the custom crated symbols on him.

With only a few hours to spare, I declare my final vow for this year complete! :biggrin.:





Battle-Brother Mraz Mordent, Combat Squad Leader, 6th Reserve Company, Soul Takers Chapter

'Brother Mordent is seen here upon the surface of Vur, a planet situated in the far reaches of Segmentum Tempestus, leading a sweep to scout out the foe that eradicated the research base Mechanicus teams deep in the Vurian jungles of the southern continent. His raised hand seems to be some sort of battle-cant signal to the rest of his unit though its exact meaning remains unclear.

This Space Marine was given command over four of his brethren and displayed great promise for a leadership position. His service amongst the lauded Legio, represented by the distinct pad he wears on his left shoulder, only helped to cement a bright future for the young Astartes.

Mraz Mordent was KIA shortly after this pic-capture was taken, slain by an unknown Xeno bioform. His body, equipment, and geneseed remain unrecovered.'

And my Ork Weirdboy is done, this mini fought me the whole way. Bits fell of, I dropped it twice, repainted some parts etc etc. It was also my first try with Hexwraith flame, the colour on the staff orb was a happy accident. I had some watered down white that I slapped on the black undercoat that resulted in the black patchiness(?). The red piece on the base is a tiny mushroom from the squig herd box. Please excuse the bad pics, there is no sunlight to speak of here.





The 12 Months of Hobby Challenge for 2019 is Officially complete.




I will complete the December update (hopefully) tomorrow, and then I'll begin work on a year overview, and try and tally total models etc. I know most of you have seen it, but there's a new thread open for the 12 Months of Hobby 2020, and I'd love to see you all there :tu:

12 Months of Hobby December Summary

Our final month saw 10 of us take up the Challenge for the last time in 2019, and for the 2nd month in a row, we have all Completed our pledges. Well done us!!! December saw the 10 of us complete a combined total of 44 models, including several Flyers and Knights.

Lets award some badges,


Chaplain Dosjetka













Brother Argent

Chaplain Dosjetka






Chaplain Dosjetka


Brother Argent








Focslain Br





Dwango's Chaos Knight has earned my Favourite for December.

I will post the 2019 Summary Shortly :tu:


2019 Summary

So, what a year. We had a total 34 Participants pledge to at least one month, with 7 of us managing to Complete the Challenge for EVERY month of the Year. Quite an excellent turn out for the first year of the Challenge. Between us, we managed to complete a whopping 639 models, approximately 1/3rd of which was completed in the 3 months of the E TENEBRAE LUX Challenge. Below, you will be able to see all of the participants, a list of what they painted, and my 12 Favourite Models from the Challenge.

Arkhanist Jan - Sep 6 Completions, 2 Next Months, 1 Month off - 34 Models Completed


Jan: 2x Plague Marines

Feb: DNF

Mar: No Vow

Apr: 4x BSF Ur-Ghuls, 4x BSF Spindle Drones

May: 4x BSF Beastmen

May Favourite


Jun: 5 Blood Angel intercessors

June Favourite


Jul: 5 Blood Angel Intercessors

Aug: 10 Blood Angel Helblasters

Sep: DNF

Azaiel Jan - Dec 10 Completions, 2 Next Months - 18 Models Completed
Jan: Marines Malevolent Deathwatch Veteran
Feb: Carcharodons Deathwatch Veteran
Mar: DNF
Apr: Srubborn - Mentor Legion Deathwatch Watchmaster
April Favourite
May: Nemisis Chapter Deathwatch Veteran
Jun: Uriel Ventris, Ultramarine Deathwatch Veteran
Jul: Space Wolf Terminator deathwatch Veteran
Aug: Captain Titas, Ultramarine Deathwatch Veteran, 7x Deathwatch Veterans
August Favourite
Sep: Carcharodons Terminator Deathwatch Veteran
Oct: DNF
Nov: Subborn - 1x Ork Boy, 1x Blood Axe Kommando
Dec: 1x Ork Weird Boy

Brother Argent Jan - Dec 7 Completions, 4 Next Months, 1 Month Off - 25 Models Completed


Jan: DNF

Feb: Stubborn - Imperial Guard Regimental Standard, 3x Daemonettes, 1x Necron Scarab base

Mar: Death Guard Lord of Contagion

Apr: Demolished Walls terrain

May: DNF

Jun: DNF

Jul: Stubborn - Blood Angels Captain, Stubborn - Primaris Lieutenant, Primaris Librarian

Aug: DNF

Sep: 6x Poxwalkers

Oct: 5x Death Guard Plague Marines

Nov: No Vow

Dec: 4x Liber Swap Challenge Space Marines

Brother Calidan Jan - May 3 Completionss, 2 Next Months - 3 Models Completed


Jan: DNF

Feb: 1x Deathwatch Veteran

Mar: 1x Deathwatch Veteran

Apr: 1x Chaos Space Marine

May: DNF

Wolf Guard Einar (Brother Sgt/Lieutenant Arkley) Jan - May 5 Completions - 30 Models Completed


Jan: 5x Crimson Fist Intercessors

Feb: 5x Crimson Fist Intercessors

Mar: 5x Crimson Fist Intercessors

Apr: 5x Crimson Fist Reivers, 1x Librarian

May: 5x Blades of Alaric Infiltraitors, 5 Crimson Fist Helblasters

Cactus Jan - Feb 2 Completions - 2 Models Completed


Jan: 1x BSF Negavolt Cultist

Feb: 1x BSF Negavolt Cultist

Chaplain Dosjetka Jan - Dec 5 Completions, 1 Next Month, 6 Months Off - 11 Models Completed


Jan: BSF Sons of Sek Traitor Guardsman

Feb: BSF Eldar Ranger

Mar: BSF Pious Vorne

March Favourite


Apr: Super Secret forces.... 7 models

May: DNF

Jun: No Vow

Jul: No Vow

Aug: No Vow

Sep: No Vow

Oct: No Vow

Nov: No Vow

Dec: 1x Liber Swap Challenge Space Marine, Battle-Brother Mraz Mordent

Crovan Mar - Apr 1 Completion, 1 Next Month - 1 Model Completed


Mar: Heresy Era Imperial Fist

Apr: DNF

Cryptix Jan 1 Next Month


Jan: DNF

DornBeard Feb - Mar 1 Completion, 1 Next Month - 1 Model Completed


Feb: GSC Iconward

Mar: DNF

Dragonlover Jan - Mar 2 Completions, 1 Next Month - 2 Models Completed


Jan: Inquisitor Aquilus Hettar

Feb: Ordo Hereticus Prefect-Interfectrix Kara Firenze

Mar: DNF

Dwango Jan - Dec 12 Completions - 95 Models Complete


Jan: Dark Angel Command Rhino

Feb: Dark Angel Imperial Space Marine, and Comms Marine

Mar: 5x Necromunda Escher Gangers, The Death Deliverers

Apr: 10 Dark Angel Assault Marines, 2x DA Scorpius Tanks

May: 5x Deathwatch Veterans

Jun: 7x Death Guard Plague Marines

Jul: 10x Fallen Dark Angels, 20x Chaos Space Marines, 1x Venom Crawler

Aug: Master of Possession, 2x Obliterators, 2x Chaos Spawn, 1x Helbrute, 10x Fallen Dark Angels, Fallen Dark Angel Lord

Sep: 4x Death Guard Plague Marines

Oct: 3x Death Guard Plague Marines

Nov: 1x Death Guard Plague Marine

Dec: Plodding Along - 2x Armigers, 2x Imperial Knights, Death Guard Dark Apostle, 2 Disciples

December Favourite


Eib.Almera Jan - Apr 2 Completions, 1 Next Month, 1 Month Off - 6 Models Completed


Jan: Crimson Fist Intercessor

Feb: 5x Crimson Fist Intercessors

Mar: No Vow

Apr: DNF

Axineton (Fr33dom) Jan - Mar 1 Completion, 2 Next Months - 1 Model Completed


Jan: DNF

Feb: Stubborn - 1x Assault Marine

Mar: DNF

Focslain Jan - Dec 9 Completion, 1 Next Month, 2 Months Off - 47 Models Completed


Jan: Wazdakka BlastJet

Feb: 3x Centurions, 1x Armiger Warglaive

Mar: Forgeshine Heilen

Apr: DNF

May: No Vow

Jun: No Vow

Jul: 15x Intercessors

Aug: 3x Primaris Aggressors

Sep: AdMech Dominus, 6x Skitarii Rangers, 1x Armiger Helverin, 1x Armiger Warglaive

Oct: 1x Eldar Wave Serpent

Nov: Imperial Guard Basilisk

Dec: 12x Tau Drones

Gederas Jan - Dec 12 Completions - 24 Models Completed


Jan: 4x BSF Ur-Ghuls

Feb: Renegade Knight Fire Heart

Mar: World Eaters Fleetmaster Rhaxus Molax

Apr: Primaris Dark Angel Chief Librarian Ezekial

May: Primaris Dark Angel Supreme Grand Master Azrael

Jun: Primaris Dark Angel Leutenant, 1x Chaplain Dreadnought

Jul: Primaris Dark Angel Interrogator Chaplain Asmodai

Aug: Primaris Dark Angel Company Master, 2x Primaris Dark Angel Lieutenants, Imperial Knight

Sep: Conrad Kurze, Primarch of the Night Lords

Oct: Night Lord Aspiring Champion, 5x Night Lords Chaos Marines

October Favourite


Nov: Night Lord Lord Dischordant

Dec: N

Additional Awards

In addition to the Monthly awards, I have some 2019 Awards for Outstanding achievements throughout the year.

For the 7 Frater who managed to Complete EVERY month in 2019, the 2019 Completed Platinum Badge,









For earning the most Artificer badges, Azaiel has earned the 2019 Artificer Platinum Badge,


For earning the most Speed Daemon badges, Chaplain Dosjetka has earned the 2019 Speed Daemon Platinum Badge,


For earning the most Last Minute badges, Jolemai has earned the 2019 Last Minute Platinum Badge,


For painting the most individual models within the Challenge, Trokair has earned the 2019 Seriously Platinum Badge,


For vowing 6 months straight before earning a Completion, Sabadin has earned the 2019 Stubborn Platinum Badge,


Lastly, that just leaves the 2019 Favourite Platinum Badge, which I will not be awarding. You will. I will be opening a 7 day poll for all Frater to vote on for their Favourite from amongst my 12 Favourites.

Linky to Poll

With a closely fought voting, Jolemai and TheOneTrueZon slugged it out for 2019's Platinum Favourite Badge. The lead swapped several time before settling at 11 Votes to 9 in favour of Jolemai's fantastic Blood Angels Captain.

Congratulations Jolemai, wear the 2019 Platinum Favourite Badge with pride, you've earned.



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