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=] 12 Months of Hobby Challenge 2019 [=


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Leadbelcher and then Ironbreaker drybrush complete.


with magnetized weapons and waist, the powerfist cable aligns to it's slot perfectly. No cables for the guns though.


and the armour panels primed white,




That went quicker than I thought it would. A dozen texture-based Sternguard, good to go (yes, I've gained one since the initial photo yesterday - he was already based in the previous batch, where he's being a stand-in captain).




And with squads Elijah and Moses done, I'm going to try and get a few more done before Tooth and Claw turns up over the weekend. So:


I, Rogue, having already embarked on the 12 Months Challenge, now pledge to complete the bases for five company veterans, a captain and an assassin by month's end.


company veterans


These are some of my oldest models - the captain was painted back in the late 90s, the veterans around the same time (although the models are older, from when RTB01 was as good as it got), and the assassin is a newer paint job on a model I found in my parents' loft when they were clearing out a couple of years ago.

That went quicker than I thought it would. A dozen texture-based Sternguard, good to go (yes, I've gained one since the initial photo yesterday - he was already based in the previous batch, where he's being a stand-in captain).




And with squads Elijah and Moses done, I'm going to try and get a few more done before Tooth and Claw turns up over the weekend. So:


I, Rogue, having already embarked on the 12 Months Challenge, now pledge to complete the bases for five company veterans, a captain and an assassin by month's end.




These are some of my oldest models - the captain was painted back in the late 90s, the veterans around the same time (although the models are older, from when RTB01 was as good as it got), and the assassin is a newer paint job on a model I found in my parents' loft when they were clearing out a couple of years ago.



Well done on the bases, and it's great to see some of the older models getting some love :tu:

I, Lord Ranulf , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete an Imperial Guard Commissar by month's end.





That is my all time favourite Commissar model excluding Gaunt

Oh man, Lord Ranulf, I remember that model as the last IG model from my original Cadian army.

And great work, Rogue (basing is usually one of those things that throws me for fits, so glad ya got it all sorted and worked out!), Gederas (GAH, gotta pick up some more of those things. How'd ya find painting em? I went with an airbrush and it took me so little time I barely remember it.) MadGreek, lovin' the idea for the Redemptor shooty dread. It's very Mech Warrior Madcat-esque and that's a win in my books. Grotsmasha, great choice of colours on the Reaver, too. I haven't taken the plunge into AT because, well, I lack people to play, but I do love seeing tiny doom machines.

And speaking of tiny doom machines, I got some more work on the Cortus-Contemptor done. Gotta let it dry, gotta clean up some of the ink, but it's startin' good.



That is my all time favourite Commissar model excluding Gaunt




Oh man, Lord Ranulf, I remember that model as the last IG model from my original Cadian army. 


He's my number two after Yarrick.


My side Commissar if you will.



Vykes, you did that in a day? That's scary.


And thanks, Grotsmasha - they're dead simple, but I like how they look and I'm doing them quickly enough that it doesn't feel like a major chore (yet).


Talking of quickly, here's my company veterans, and their friendly neighbourhood assassin, all now based up.


company veterans


As Tooth and Claw has turned up, I'll be rummaging through that for some genestealers after the weekend, and will be getting a couple of them into this thread for a slightly more interesting pledge...


I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete one Drop Pod with both weapon options by month's end.


To do:

  • More red
  • Recess wash (red)
  • Highlights (red)
  • Detail
  • Assemble

2019 Vow

I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the duration of 2019 pledge to complete one fully magnetised and converted Imperial Knight by year's end.


To do:

  • Magnetise all weapon options (Warden kit)
  • Appropriate greenstuff (he's a Knight affiliated with the DC, so that's BA and DC stuff)
  • Affix appropriate add-ons (BA gubbins, etc)
  • Paint, highlights, freehand, etc
  • Finish off the base

The snow is still drying, but he's done.




Wow !!! Very nicely done Ran :tu:


I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete one Drop Pod with both weapon options by month's end.


To do:

  • More red
  • Recess wash (red)
  • Highlights (red)
  • Detail
  • Assemble

2019 Vow

I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the duration of 2019 pledge to complete one fully magnetised and converted Imperial Knight by year's end.


To do:

  • Magnetise all weapon options (Warden kit)
  • Appropriate greenstuff (he's a Knight affiliated with the DC, so that's BA and DC stuff)
  • Affix appropriate add-ons (BA gubbins, etc)
  • Paint, highlights, freehand, etc
  • Finish off the base

Welcome to the Challenge Jol :thumbsup:

So here is an update on the jet, I got most of the basics down. Later I'll add some more blue and bronze, but it technically table ready.


Adding basecoats to the squad yesterday and today and will do a bit more tomorrow. Going for urban and toxic waste bases as well here and Ultramarine blue weapons too.


Coming along nicely lads :thumbsup:

You lot rock!  Dram of Jim Beam for ya all*! 


@Ran, dude, that's a Killin' officer if'n I ever saw one.  That sash is right great when it comes to the contrast in colours, the skin's nice and clear, and I love seeing a gritty blade.  It's usually always straight silver but that's a Black Cap that's seen the Elephant, no doubt about it. But what's totally getting me is actually the epaulets and the cummerbund's fringe.  The frogging is good too but man does it show up well on those.  Whatcha usin' for your metallics on 'em?  If you don't mind me asking (I haven't seen that kind of luster outside of some of the high impact vallejo metallics and alcohol bases). 


@Marcusc, glad I could help dude, that's what these things all are about right?  And getting my sorry rear in motion -stares forlorn at 60 sets of mk. IV armour-


@Rogue, heh, my record is a full sized Warhound titan inside 48 hours in the last ETL.  Airbrushes make vehicles relatively painless so it's not as bad as it sounds. Dude, I hadn't taken a close look now, but you're making me super jealous with that power fist sergeant.  It was a model that I tried to order in to my local GW since I was like 8 years old and I still remember it showing up in the old school codes.  Massive nostalgia trip and man I appreciate that.  The colours work with the basing and it's pretty chill stuff. Man, it's kinda scary that I don't remember that assassin model.  It's all new to me, but it's lookin' good man, lookin' real good. 


@Jolmai, Noooice, right noice. Man, like I told WarriorHunter in the Daily thread, anyone who can get through drop pods gets my respect.  I hate those things.  Can't wait to see a magged up knight too, always fun.


@Arkhanist airbrushes, pin washes, and weathering powders.  It is the seeeeecret.  And now you're initiated in the order of Tzeentch, hobby division. 


@Focslain, gotta love the Orky migs.  It's lookin' right good, and I do love the Tau parts.  Nothing says ork like looted parts, eh?  I know I sound like a broken record to some extent, but got a basing scheme or any particular details in mind?  It's always cool to see.  And nice avi by the by, -fingersnaps-


@Fr33dom, I'm liking where it's going.  White is always a challenge os I like to see people tackling it (and nice primary colour weapons drags me right back to my beloved 2-3E, so I'm a fan.  It's gonna be great up alongside the darker more dingy toxic bases.  Got a close up of them by the by? 


*Or Drambouie, Disaronno, or Galliano if it's to your liking.  Ya all deserve it!


@Focslain, gotta love the Orky migs.  It's lookin' right good, and I do love the Tau parts.  Nothing says ork like looted parts, eh?  I know I sound like a broken record to some extent, but got a basing scheme or any particular details in mind?  It's always cool to see.  And nice avi by the by, -fingersnaps-



@Vykes - No basing schemed planned at this time other then a coat of Rhinox Hide. I might redo it later with a few grots, but not sure just yet. Avi art is by Jay Naylor, his Mercedas Wolf Captain.


Whatcha usin' for your metallics on 'em?  If you don't mind me asking (I haven't seen that kind of luster outside of some of the high impact vallejo metallics and alcohol bases). 


Vykes, I use Scale 75 paints for gold - Dwarven Gold, Elven Gold and Citrine Alchemy for base, layer and highlight respectively. 



-laughs a bit- Rhinox Hide is kinda a miracle solution given how much of it I've seen lately.  Like flex-tape, it's good for just about everything. It's lookin' good and man, kinda making me want to snag one.  Kudos man!  Heh, Naylor, yeah mister divisive himself but it's still right cool, eh?  


Scale 75 ya say, eh Ranulf?  Hmm, I might have to drop in to Maple Airbrush as they're one of the few places in the province that seems to carry it.  I've heard good things but never seen it in combination.  If it gives that kind of luster and depth, it's totally worth trying. 

You lot rock!  Dram of Jim Beam for ya all*! 


@Ran, dude, that's a Killin' officer if'n I ever saw one.  That sash is right great when it comes to the contrast in colours, the skin's nice and clear, and I love seeing a gritty blade.  It's usually always straight silver but that's a Black Cap that's seen the Elephant, no doubt about it. But what's totally getting me is actually the epaulets and the cummerbund's fringe.  The frogging is good too but man does it show up well on those.  Whatcha usin' for your metallics on 'em?  If you don't mind me asking (I haven't seen that kind of luster outside of some of the high impact vallejo metallics and alcohol bases). 


@Marcusc, glad I could help dude, that's what these things all are about right?  And getting my sorry rear in motion -stares forlorn at 60 sets of mk. IV armour-


@Rogue, heh, my record is a full sized Warhound titan inside 48 hours in the last ETL.  Airbrushes make vehicles relatively painless so it's not as bad as it sounds. Dude, I hadn't taken a close look now, but you're making me super jealous with that power fist sergeant.  It was a model that I tried to order in to my local GW since I was like 8 years old and I still remember it showing up in the old school codes.  Massive nostalgia trip and man I appreciate that.  The colours work with the basing and it's pretty chill stuff. Man, it's kinda scary that I don't remember that assassin model.  It's all new to me, but it's lookin' good man, lookin' real good. 


@Jolmai, Noooice, right noice. Man, like I told WarriorHunter in the Daily thread, anyone who can get through drop pods gets my respect.  I hate those things.  Can't wait to see a magged up knight too, always fun.


@Arkhanist airbrushes, pin washes, and weathering powders.  It is the seeeeecret.  And now you're initiated in the order of Tzeentch, hobby division. 


@Focslain, gotta love the Orky migs.  It's lookin' right good, and I do love the Tau parts.  Nothing says ork like looted parts, eh?  I know I sound like a broken record to some extent, but got a basing scheme or any particular details in mind?  It's always cool to see.  And nice avi by the by, -fingersnaps-


@Fr33dom, I'm liking where it's going.  White is always a challenge os I like to see people tackling it (and nice primary colour weapons drags me right back to my beloved 2-3E, so I'm a fan.  It's gonna be great up alongside the darker more dingy toxic bases.  Got a close up of them by the by? 


*Or Drambouie, Disaronno, or Galliano if it's to your liking.  Ya all deserve it!

Cheers mate! I'll get some close up shots tomorrow morning and post them.


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