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=] 12 Months of Hobby Challenge 2019 [=


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They said it couldn't be done, but Grotsmasha succeeded in adding a jump pack to MkIII armout.On a more serious note, where did you get the MkIV jump pack?



Sanguinary Guard :tu:


Looking good, Grot. Nice yellow you've got there. :tu:

Cheers bud :tu:

I’m not gonna get my squad finished in time for the end of this month. I’m so slooooooow!


Just remember that the challenge only requires 1x complete model, even if you pledged to complete more :tu:


I’m not gonna get my squad finished in time for the end of this month. I’m so slooooooow!



Just remember that the challenge only requires 1x complete model, even if you pledged to complete more :tu:

Oh sweet I completely didn’t realise! I should be able to finish one mate.

That is a very yellow marine there Grotsmasha.

Azail, nice sergeant, certainly trumps mine and you are not even finished.

Marcusc, the more the merrier, on the first one did you swap the gun? Where is the second one from, I can’t place it, so assumed it is a plastic/resin one but the servo arm and axe both look metal.

Fr33Dom, looking good, I really like the intensity of the colours, and the excellent white.

Rikkumon, really fitting conversion, the pot belly on the guardsman made me smile, the rest of the Kill Team also looks great.

.Torch. good luck, especially with the Knight.

I declare my January pledge complete, one Reiver Sergeant (and his squad).


While I was aiming to complete the sergent this guy was the most interesting to paint.


I'm new to b&c, joined a couple of days ago. I like this thread and would like to join in. This will be my first ever post!


I, Dwango , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete one command rhino by month's end.


I know I'm late in but I had already started this before I joined. I'll be able to start fresh for Feb.


Not sure how to upload pics direct but hopefully you can see the work in progress via the link.



Welcome Dwango


To post images there is a button (in the more rely options) and a little pox pops up in which you can post the link.


Alternatively you can preface the link with [*img= and *] at the end of the link, code works without * they are just there as otwerwise it tries to make a picture.


There is also this thread http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304061-bbcode-guide/

Close, but not quite.

You put the image brackets around the url, so the first one should look like this:


It should be then the url, and then at the end another , but with a / before img inside the brackets.

That being said, welcome!

That is a very yellow marine there Grotsmasha.Azail, nice sergeant, certainly trumps mine and you are not even finished.Marcusc, the more the merrier, on the first one did you swap the gun? Where is the second one from, I can’t place it, so assumed it is a plastic/resin one but the servo arm and axe both look metal.Fr33Dom, looking good, I really like the intensity of the colours, and the excellent white.Rikkumon, really fitting conversion, the pot belly on the guardsman made me smile, the rest of the Kill Team also looks great..Torch. good luck, especially with the Knight.I declare my January pledge complete, one Reiver Sergeant (and his squad).gallery_29932_13153_63802.jpgWhile I was aiming to complete the sergent this guy was the most interesting to paint.gallery_29932_13153_91600.jpg

Looking great Trokair :tu: Do you know what your plan for next month is?

I'm new to b&c, joined a couple of days ago. I like this thread and would like to join in. This will be my first ever post!

I, Dwango , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete one command rhino by month's end.

I know I'm late in but I had already started this before I joined. I'll be able to start fresh for Feb.

Not sure how to upload pics direct but hopefully you can see the work in progress via the link.


Welcome to the B&C, and the Challenge Dwango :tu:

Good to see you've got the images sorted so quickly.

Looking great Trokair :thumbsup: Do you know what your plan for next month is?

I do, it is the Magos I built for Loyalty & Treachery IV. Might as well make it official.

I, Trokair, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete a Magos Reductor by month's end.

Have not started yet, as it isen't February (yet) and I am currently waiting for good weather so I can undercoat him.

I know it is not February yet, and I have not finished the January vow either, but as I just finished the conversion, and posted a picture in L&T IV as part of my Vow there I thought it best to post the start picture for my February Vow here now. I will not start paining him until February.

I present one Magos Reductor.


Now the real question, hat or no hat?

A fine model you've got there, Azaiel. :tu:


Is the piece of cloth attached to his belt sculpted or is it a piece from a Space Marine kit? Also, would you mind sharing your recipe for the dark red storm bolter casing, please?

Looking great Trokair :thumbsup: Do you know what your plan for next month is?

I do, it is the Magos I built for Loyalty & Treachery IV. Might as well make it official.

I, Trokair, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete a Magos Reductor by month's end.

Have not started yet, as it isen't February (yet) and I am currently waiting for good weather so I can undercoat him.

I know it is not February yet, and I have not finished the January vow either, but as I just finished the conversion, and posted a picture in L&T IV as part of my Vow there I thought it best to post the start picture for my February Vow here now. I will not start paining him until February.

I present one Magos Reductor.


Now the real question, hat or no hat?

I remember now....

I am considering January complete - I am going to redo the transfers as I think they were too old and they keep splitting.

Still not sure what to do base wise... (I really hate bases)

Looking aces Arkley :tu:

I just got done with my DW serg, so a couple of quick pics. Hes a marines Malevolent so a real a-hole. :rolleyes:



Very nicely done bud :tu:

A fine model you've got there, Azaiel. :thumbsup:


Is the piece of cloth attached to his belt sculpted or is it a piece from a Space Marine kit? Also, would you mind sharing your recipe for the dark red storm bolter casing, please?


The loincloth I sculpted myself. The casing on the stormbolter is Black, then Khorne red, nuln oil and then a edge highlight of Evil Sunz.

I'm still working on the 'stealers (one pretty much done, the other getting there), but in the meantime, and in an exciting move, my wife (who isn't a member here) has decided to join the challenge too. She's seen my stealers as a bit of a killteam arms race, and has responded with sicarians. So:


I, Rogue, declare that my wife is embarking on the twelve month hobby challenge, and for January will complete three sicarians by month's end.



(She paints a lot faster than I do.) 


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