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Archive of Templar Information (Francais)

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My brethren, I give to you an archive of datastuffs from the deepest vaults of Terra:


Here is free PDF versions of an enormous book of free reference material:


Dictionnary of french architecture XI - XVI century

vol 1: https://archive.org/...e/n3/mode/thumb

vol 2 : https://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumb

vol 3 : https://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumb

vol 4 : https://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumb

vol 5 : https://archive.org/...e/n3/mode/thumb

vol 6 : https://archive.org/...e/n5/mode/thumb

vol 7 : https://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumb

vol 8 : https://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumb

vol 9 : https://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumb

vol 10 : https://archive.org/...e/n9/mode/thumb

Dictionnary of medieval furniture, accessories, clothing and military equipment:

vol 1: Furniture: https://archive.org/...ge/8/mode/thumb

vol 2 : Everydays Objects: https://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumb

Vol 3, Vol 4 : Clothing: https://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumbhttps://archive.org/...e/n5/mode/thumb

Vol 5, Vol 6 : Military Equipment: https://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumbhttps://archive.org/...e/n7/mode/thumb



EDIT - info on the author: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eug%C3%A8ne_Viollet-le-Duc

Edited by TheOneTrueZon
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Google translate will certainly suffer with 18th century text. 


If anything, if you find yourself perusing the text for the weapons and armaments and find any interesting quotes that may embolden our fellow brethren it would be of great service to the cause. ;)

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