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First game with chapter approved


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Just had my 1St couple of games with the new chapter approved points and missions


It's quite an eye opener with a pull back to old style deployment and new style missions


Anyway quick batrep V Necrons

Up till now I've struggled to push much away from the dual Helblasters Az style lists even the brigade versions have had them in, anyways went fro a full green / raven list with the points reduction this allowed 4 main characters (Azreal, Ezekiel, Sammael & Talon Master)

10 Hellblaster's, 2 Bike squads 4 + MM attack bike & 6 black knights troops 2 scouts + 1 intercessors & ancient

Opponent ran lots of warriors immortals lynch guard and imotek some vehicles and a monolith. From playing against Necrons the amount of bodies he could field was just crazy, I new they'd had a points drop as well but still.


Deployment wise we drew dawn of war and mission was beachhead, having a central objective to fight over made for a pretty intense brutal game.

T1 I'd gotten 1St turn and my apponent counter deployed to deny 1St strike, in the end I decided to go 1St and hid my scouts made a play for the central position while swinging my force around. Didn't bother shooting just opted to turbo and keep everyone in contact with the Darkshroud. Necron shooting is poor for range and any units he pushed forward was going to get heavily picked on.

He tried the imotek storm on the DS I countered with the save strategem for mortal wounds saving all of them, scarab pushed forward to deny the centre. He also used the portal to spit troops out the monolith his dynasty was the run and shoot on to give him better range.

T2 saw the scarab get blasted away and the intercessors took residence on the central objective where they stayed till they eventually died in T5 being locked in combat with lynch guard for most of it.

T3 saw a huge necron push as he tried to kill the Hellblaster's who did what they do best and basically took his flyer down by 8 wounds as they fell double tap and re-rolls all round. He'd focused that hard on the Hellblaster's that the black knights were untouched using both the new strategems + speed of the Raven and wotda the took out the monolith and killed most of the lynch guard before bugging out under the Azreal DS bubble.


While I struggled to deal with the huge volume of bodies the list did remarkably well in controlling the centre of the board the hit and run strategem is just gold and the Darkshroud is still pretty priceless if you can manouvering it round terrain so it can't be picked on.


By the end of the game neither of us had much left but he'd not been able to dislodge my force from the central area Hellblaster's and Black Knights for the win

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My Melta bikes contributed not much with the +1 to shooting I'm going to switch to plasma*2 combi plasma and change to HB on the attack bike, means dropping the storm bolter from the Sgt but wotda and +1 to hit are really powerful on plasma, also if I'm struggling the attack bike can use the hellfire shell strategem.

Also found that these sort of lists are rock hard in terms of survival with lots of 4++ and pushing forward then pulling back puts you in range of the ancient and you need to plan to use these strategems nearly all the time wasting them on re-rolls etc. Isn't worth it.

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