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Reserves, post-CA18


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I've lost track of the current reserve rules. I think that reserve units can deploy from turn two onwards, anywhere not within 9" of the enemy. No-one can deploy from reserves in turn one (following the FAQ).


Is that the state of play right now, or am I mixing up beta rules, real rules and FAQ amendments?

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So reserves can arrive anywhere (outside 9”) from turn two, and own deployment zone in turn one? Or anywhere in turn one as well?

If you use the Beta Rules: Turn Two (9")


If you don't use the Beta Rules: Turn One anywhere (9")

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So reserves can arrive anywhere (outside 9”) from turn two, and own deployment zone in turn one? Or anywhere in turn one as well?


Current official rule: Reserves anywhere on the board turn 1-3.

Former Beta rule: Reserves in your deployment zone turn 1 and anywhere on the board turn 2-3.

Current Beta rule: Reserves anywhere on the board turn 2-3.


"Anywhere" always depending on the wording of the reserve rule of the unit. Usually >9" but I think there are some few who are >12" or so and there are special cases that can ignore the >9" rule completely and just potentially land >1" away from the enemy (Crisis Suits using the Stealth Suits Homing Beacon for example).


I hope this clarifies everything.

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Thanks everyone. I think it was the double-beta thing that caught me out.


So the turn one in your own deployment thing isn't a thing, because we're either in regular rules (deploy 'anywhere' turns 1-3), or we're in current beta rules (deploy 'anywhere' turns 2-3). That makes sense.

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