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Lysander Fighters?


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I was digging through the old Fanatic Magazine articles and came across mention of a type of aircraft called a Lysander Fighter, which I'd honestly never heard of before. I've had another look around, but haven't managed to turn up anything lore wise. Has anyone heard of them before? Have they ever appeared in any fluff pieces or stories?


Apparently they came bundled with the old Warmonger Titan models for Epic, and were supposedly launched from hangars or landing pads on the titan's shoulders as reconnaissance and fighter support planes. Which I think is really awesome! I'd never heard about anything like that before, and it would be something wonderful to see added to the new Adeptus Titanicus game (if only so that I can play around with toy planes, as is my want). Here is a picture for reference:




It certainly raises a lot of interesting lore questions though; are they drone planes flown remotely by Mechanicus adepts aboard the titan? Are they flown by servitors or Mechanicus pilots? Or would they be flown by Imperial Navy squadrons operating from on board titans? I'd love to know more, it's a really interesting little bit of background that I've never heard about before.

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Lysander Targeting Craft: The Lysander is a flyer used by Warmonger Titans to spot enemy troops that are hidden behind blocking terrain and such like. As long as the Lysander is intact, then once per battle the Warmonger can shoot a support missile without being able to see it; no line of fire is needed.

This function can no longer be used if the Lysander suffers Superficial damage or worse (Major or Catastrophic damage have no additional effect)

Not much information is given beyond that. At a guess, the craft is piloted, either remotely or physically, by a member of the Adeptus Titanicus - probably a moderati of some sort.


Since the question is about an aspect of the Adeptus Titanicus, I've moved the discussion to the Adeptus Mechanicus forum (an alternative would be the Adeptus Titanicus sub-forum since it's a question that appears to be specific to [an earlier version of] that game).

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