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Alternative Daemon Princes.

old git

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I’ve had good luck finding people’s leftovers from the kit on eBay as well, and splicing those into whatever to make it extra obvious what it’s meant to be. I’m using a maggoth lord and korgorath from aos I’ll try to get some pics up later!
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  • 5 months later...

Personally, the plastic Daemon Prince kit is one of the best GW has ever made. It is so versatile, and with a little creativity, it is a perfect base for customizing your own Prince. 


Okbok B'Gok, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch


I really like that one. Can you tell me where the eagle parts are from please? I have some HE Frost Heart Phoenix pieces left over but I had a hunch they would be too large for a daemon price.

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Great selection there krakjen, cheers. I really like the Mierce minis, any idea of size comparison?

You can use the base size as a reference for a rough estimation.

For the one I linked for example, it's a 100mm wide base.


I found this picture for a comparison with a 40K mini:





Amazing models, I've seen the Sorcerer before but can't place it...any ideas what set he is from?

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Personally, the plastic Daemon Prince kit is one of the best GW has ever made. It is so versatile, and with a little creativity, it is a perfect base for customizing your own Prince. 


Okbok B'Gok, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch


I really like that one. Can you tell me where the eagle parts are from please? I have some HE Frost Heart Phoenix pieces left over but I had a hunch they would be too large for a daemon price.


Hey, sorry. Just now seeing your reply.


The head is from the High Elf Skycutter Roc. If I had done it differently, I'd have used the other head that comes in the kit, the one with open beak.

The Wings and lower legs are as someone else mentioned, from the Isle of Blood High Elf Griffin. I was going to use my leftover phoenix bits, but they were

a tad too large, and my greenstuff skills are not good enough to make it seamless meshing. The only thing I'd do differently with the wings, is I should have put them on the other way around.

it's hard to tell from the picture, but they are a bit too flat in the posing. Had I done it the other way, they would have a bit more dynamic look.


I still need to finish painting him... It is one of my favorite kitbashes.

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