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CF Supplement


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Where did you hear that the Crimson Fists are getting a codex supplement? All I've heard (so far) is that they're getting an Index Astartes article with some rules in White Dwarf Magazine. And from what I've heard, the Crimson Fists aren't getting any more than what the Black Templars already have.
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As you maybe heard already. The CF will get a Codex Supplement. If they get this treatment I expect that we get at least the same treatment. The possibility for a codex is much higher then before.

1. They don't get a Codex Supplement, they get a handful additional stuff in a White Dwarf.

2. It was never smart to go with the "If X get something we can expect the same for us" line of thought for Warhammer. You WILL get disappointed. Chapters and even whole factions get different levels of attention depending on narratives and ideas at GW headquater all the time.

3. The possibility for a Codex is about as low as it was before to be honest.

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If you go on Chapter Master Valraks' YouTube channel, he has a video broken down for the January White Dwarf and he stops it in one frame to show the words "Codec Supplement" as the header for the page. I would link it but I'm on my phone right now.
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CF are in the codex and vigilus as well.


I can see them doing these sections for well liked chapter first and then for the more obscure ones. January white Dwarf will show how it actually looks, but mainly I am also hoping for some Updates m42 fluff.

Naturally I hope for a templars one as well, but just getting more Info on how m42 looks for different chapters will be nice.


I'd actually love for them to add chapter specific kill team rules

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The screenshot from Valrak shows the title of the page as Codex Supplement, there's also a clear sub heading entitled 'Warlord Traits' so it looks legit.


I wonder if a Codex supplement Warlord trait can be taken by a Named Character? Unlike the Vigilus one for instance, which neither Helbrecht or the EC can take. (Which is a proper sucky rule IMHO,)

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The screenshot from Valrak shows the title of the page as Codex Supplement, there's also a clear sub heading entitled 'Warlord Traits' so it looks legit.


I wonder if a Codex supplement Warlord trait can be taken by a Named Character? Unlike the Vigilus one for instance, which neither Helbrecht or the EC can take. (Which is a proper sucky rule IMHO,)

Honestly they'd be bonkers with that trait so I can see why they didn't allow it

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The screenshot from Valrak shows the title of the page as Codex Supplement, there's also a clear sub heading entitled 'Warlord Traits' so it looks legit.


I wonder if a Codex supplement Warlord trait can be taken by a Named Character? Unlike the Vigilus one for instance, which neither Helbrecht or the EC can take. (Which is a proper sucky rule IMHO,)

Honestly they'd be bonkers with that trait so I can see why they didn't allow it

I agree. I just wish the one we had was better. It's not really worth taking over a regular Marshal Warlord with another trait.

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Just to clarify, I know it's a 'supplement' in some form. So is the CA to some degree. I just 'corrected' it because saying "XYZ Supplement" is kinda misleading since others often instantly think about the Supplement books we got last edition for multiple factions which were much bigger than what we'll be getting in a WD.

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I honestly think above all else they deserve it for one simple fact....and correct me If I’m wrong....but In our current codex arnt they only allowed to take the IF chapter tactics.....Im not next to my book to verify myself...but if memerot serves...I assume the supplement would give them something a tad different maybe
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I honestly think above all else they deserve it for one simple fact....and correct me If I’m wrong....but In our current codex arnt they only allowed to take the IF chapter tactics.....Im not next to my book to verify myself...but if memerot serves...I assume the supplement would give them something a tad different maybe

hmm, but why not a bigger Vigilus thing?. I expect that GeDub could kill 2 birds with one stone... means that they want to push weaker Space Marines and  push each chapter plus sell more WD

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I honestly think above all else they deserve it for one simple fact....and correct me If I’m wrong....but In our current codex arnt they only allowed to take the IF chapter tactics.....Im not next to my book to verify myself...but if memerot serves...I assume the supplement would give them something a tad different maybe

hmm, but why not a bigger Vigilus thing?. I expect that GeDub could kill 2 birds with one stone... means that they want to push weaker Space Marines and push each chapter plus sell more WD
i agree totally with you....why not more on vigilis.....but i think opposed to bonus to buildings like in the IF chapter tactic.....they should have some bonus against orks like Tyranic vets....plus there codex relic is a fist.....that’s just my opinion on what the supplement could imply......basicly it’s own insert into the codex.....but I think every main chapter (excluding special I.e. wolves and both angels) should have their own particular supplement and multiple relics and traits to choose from....not just the current and ones from vigilis.....like I love the teeth of terra.....but what about the Templar who murdered eldar with the chainsword called whichbane I believe? I can’t remeber his name and the chainsword s name....but let’s a good bonus vs Xenos other then the xenophase sword exclusively to DW.....I think you get the jist of what I’m saying....just more options I guess
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As you maybe heard already. The CF will get a Codex Supplement. If they get this treatment I expect that we get at least the same treatment. The possibility for a codex is much higher then before.


I don't think it's safe to draw any conclusions about how the treatment of the Crimson Fists in the latest White Dwarf may (or may not) affect the Black Templars; and it's especially presumptuous to assert that another Chapter getting background and rules in White Dwarf Magazine increases the possibility of the Black Templars getting their own codex. In fact, the opposite may be true - that GW's willingness to give Chapters rules and background via White Dwarf Magazine means that Chapters don't need their own codices, that they can piggyback off of Codex: Space Marines with their distinctiveness provided via an article.


Maybe the Black Templars will be featured in their own Index Astartes article, but that's not a given at this point (looking in from the outside, where I'm sitting). A separate codex dedicated entirely to the Black Templars looks to be highly unlikely. The best Black Templars fans might hope for is something similar to what the Crimson Fists have now. And at this point, we the fans don't know exactly which Chapters GW plans on featuring in similar articles. Despite being featured on the cover of the 1st edition rulebook, the Crimson Fists have never been one of the first tier Chapters (the "Big 4" - Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves). For all we know, GW's intent is to focus on lesser known Chapters, or even on unknown Chapters, expanding and enriching the background by giving us background on Chapters that are nothing more than names, color schemes, and a minor mention in the lore. The Black Templars are either (barely) in the first tier, or they're at the top of the second tier (they're often considered to be part of the "Big 5" - the Big 4 plus the Black Templars). If we start to see similar articles for the other so-called "First Founding" Chapters (i.e., those Second Founding Chapters that retained the Legion names), then I'll think it more likely that the Black Templars will receive a similar article. In the meantime, it's anyone's guess whether or not the Black Templars will get their own article (which, I agree, would be very nice). For all we know, we'll see articles for the Mentors, Celestial Lions, Silver Skulls, Iron Snakes, etc. before we see the Black Templars.


Remember, hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

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I'd be happier to see more love for the Salamanders and Iron Hands than us, we just got a cool boost, (arguably for no real reason, we are literally only mentioned on one line of the Fluff in Vigilus, yet got a whole detachment??)
I always felt sorry for the Salamanders, they got the same level of love as us in Codex Armageddon, and nothing since really.

And as for the Iron Hands, you'd be forgiven if you didn't know they were first founding at all!

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I honest don't expect anything for BT.

Unless they bring our resin dudes to Primaris version. And who knows how long that might take.

Would love to see a Huge Primaris codex release with all Chapters getting their caracthers Primarized.


I still think that having Sword Bros detachment is a light at the end of the tunnel, and who knows we might get a Primaris version like ultras and their honor guard.


Let's see how it goes.

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They got warlord traits and a new relic....and stratagems

We just had that on the Vigilus book.

Take your horse from the rain, which means, don't hold your breath for something on WD. ;)

well master valraks video gives the sneak preview of it all



They got warlord traits and a new relic....and stratagems

We just had that on the Vigilus book.

Take your horse from the rain, which means, don't hold your breath for something on WD. ;)

well master valraks video gives the sneak preview of it all....the new relic is for primaris bolt/auto/stalker rifles
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