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Starting Valhallans out of spite


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Well a battalion consists of max: 3 HQs 6 Troops 6 Elites 3 Fast Attack 3 Heavy Support and 2 Flyers


That's if you mean "full battalion full equipped" to be the max a battalion can fit then something like this is what I would do:


3 Company Commanders (one with the MK 45 relic)

4 Infantry Squads

2 30 man conscripts

Whatever elites you want really- maybe some ratlings bullgryns, priests and astropaths?

Spam hellhounds/other variants (you could fit 9 into a battalion)

Again you could fit 9 Leman Russes in if you really wanted to or more artillery based ie mortars and basilisks

And for flyers Valkyries.


Sounds fun.


For models from anvil it depends what theme you want to go with - classic russian winter look or you can do anything you like really!


For typical russian ideas:





also victoria miniatures:



GW has discontinued production of metal regiments such as vostroyans, steel legion, and Valhallans that's why there aren't any. 

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The Visor heads... they just look too cool not to use in my opinion. Maybe I'll mix them up: regular ushankas, gasmasks, and visors all together.


There is a gasmask trooper in the original metal valhallan range.



First from the left: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352645-the-boxing-day-bash-2018/?do=findComment&comment=5223455



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