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Werewolves in the Guard...


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I recently found quite a nice werewolf miniature and I thought it might be fun to use it in my IG army. I can probably model a pistol or rifle on it without too much difficulty. 


Anyway, I'm just looking for ideas for what to use it as.


(It's infantry-sized, so is too small to be an Ogryn or anything like that.)


Any thoughts?

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Is it too big for a ratling type thing?


Or you could use it maybe as an officer.


Yeah, it's definitely too big for a Ratling.


If I use it as an Officer, which do you think - Company Commander? Commissar?



Get ten and have them as a veteran (abhuman/beastman) guard unit :smile.:


Or... depending on what it can be armed with... how about having it as an abhuman Primaris Psyker?

I'll admit I didn't consider using it as a psyker.


I guess manifesting the power of the warp really took its toll. :wink.:

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Is it too big for a ratling type thing?


Or you could use it maybe as an officer.

Yeah, it's definitely too big for a Ratling.


If I use it as an Officer, which do you think - Company Commander? Commissar?


Definitely not a commissar. There's no way that an abhuman would be made a political officer in the imperium. A company commander could work. Give the regiment a color scheme similar to the space wolves. Then say that they're the space wolves personal meat shi... I mean imperial guard regiment. Their commander was a space wolf initiate that failed training, but not before have some of the augmentations take root.
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Is it too big for a ratling type thing?


Or you could use it maybe as an officer.

Yeah, it's definitely too big for a Ratling.


If I use it as an Officer, which do you think - Company Commander? Commissar?


Definitely not a commissar. There's no way that an abhuman would be made a political officer in the imperium. A company commander could work. Give the regiment a color scheme similar to the space wolves. Then say that they're the space wolves personal meat shi... I mean imperial guard regiment. Their commander was a space wolf initiate that failed training, but not before have some of the augmentations take root.



That's a shame. I thought 'Commissar Snarlyface' had a rather nice ring to it. :biggrin.:


Regarding him being a rejected Space Wolf, I think they might have given him rather too many augmentations:



Still, I guess it could explain why he was rejected. Clearly even the Wulfen thought he'd gone too far. 

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To be honest, from a fluff perspective, that model is too far gone to even be considered an abhuman. It'd be a full on mutant. That said, just for fun you could really run it as whatever, or as something in a traitor guard army, but I don't think you'll find a fluff reason to include it in a fluffy loyal regiment. I think they summed it up best something like the guys with the horns are ok, but the guys with hooves go a step too far for most.
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To be honest, from a fluff perspective, that model is too far gone to even be considered an abhuman. It'd be a full on mutant. That said, just for fun you could really run it as whatever, or as something in a traitor guard army, but I don't think you'll find a fluff reason to include it in a fluffy loyal regiment. I think they summed it up best something like the guys with the horns are ok, but the guys with hooves go a step too far for most.


Fair enough. Thanks, anyway.

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