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Tordeck's 12 Month of Hobby Motivational Blog


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Alright so I'm a terrible procrastinator when it comes to getting things painted. I need deadlines so the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge was perfect motivation to get some minis painted.
Now I am just coming back into 40k after a hiatus since the start of 6th. (Kill team and finding my old DE in storage was perfect timing.) Between KT, The Call of Chaos challenge, the Boxing Day challenge and my gf finding a love of painting (yay Nighthaunts army for AoS!) I've had some pretty good reasons to be painting.
This will hopefully help reinforce that by allowing me to both pace myself and set deadlines to have things done for motivation. Cuz boy oh boy is my project table full all of a sudden.
Things to do:

  • 1 Daemons of Slaanesh Start Collecting - 1 Herald on Exalted Chariot built and primed,  5 Seekers built and primed, 10 Daemonettes NoS
  • 2 Slaanesh halves of Wrath and Rapture - 20 Daemonettes built and primed, 10 Seekers built and primed, 6 Fiends NoS
  • 1 Haarkan Worldclaimer - assembled and primed as dual LC lord
  • 1 KT Death World Forest - assembled and primed
  • 1 Blasted Hallowheart - assembled
  • 1 Blackstone Fortess - Explorers, Spindledrones, Ur-guls - NoS; 4 Beastmen - 2 painted, 1 started 1 primed; 4 Negavolt, 1 Rogue Psyker, Mallax, 2 BL - assembled and primed, Traitor Guard with Cultists below
  • 10 DV Chosen - assembled and primed
  • 40 Cultists - assembled and primed
  • 1 Chaos Lord of Slaanesh - converted from Valkia, assembled
  • 1 Muzic Diorama - 160mm base, 1 Infernal Enrapturess, 1 LE Noise Marine, 1 BSF Rogue Psyker, 1 Chaos familiar, gs work, 1 Masque of Slaanesh, Daemonette instrument bits - mocked up
  • 2 Daemon Prince with wings and talons - 1 assembled, 1 assembled and primed
  • 1 Converted Chaos spawn/Beast of Nurgle - assembled and primed
  • 9 Plague Marines - assembled and primed
  • 2 Foetid Bloat Drone - 1 assembled, 1 assembled and primed
  • 20 Poxwalkers - some paint April Vow
  • 1 KT Sector Frontieris - 90% painted
  • 1 Venomcrawler - assembled
  • 2 Obliterators - assembled
  • 10 Noise Marines - assembled
  • 1 Converted Sorcerer - assembled
  • 1 Abaddon The Despolier - assembled
  • 2 Greater Possessed  - assembled
  • 1 Master of Possession - assembled
  • 6 Nurgling Bases - assembled and primed
  • 1 Poxbringer - assembled and primed
  • 1 Converted Daemon Prince of Nurgle with wings - assembled and primed
  • 1 Ahriman on Disk - assembled
  • 1 Magnus - assembled
  • 1 Mortarion - assembled and primed
  • 2 Plagueburst Crawlers - assembled and primed
  • 1 Beastman character from Necromunda - assembled

1 Herald of Tzeentch on disk
1 LE Noise Marine - Jan Vow Completed
14 Poxwalkers - Feb Vow completed
1 Daemon Prince of Nurgle custom conversion - Feb Vow completed
1 Webway Portal
1 Chaos Lord of Slaanesh
1 Poxbringer - March Vow Completed
6 Nurgling Bases
1 Malignant Plaguecaster
1 Noxious Blightbringer - March Vow Completed
1 Spoilpox Scivener
1 Converted Biologus Putrifier - March Vow Completed
1 Converted Foul Blightspawn -March Vow Completed
1 Typhus conversion - March Vow Completed
10 Plague Bearers - April Vow Completed
20 Plaguebearers
1 Foetid Bloat-Drone

20 Plaguebearers

Weather here has been too wet to prime until today so I spent the new year so far getting started on various non painting projects.


I was able to get all 40 cultists and traitor guard rebased onto sector Imperialis to match the rest of my BL.

Spent some time mocking up my diorama peice and have theoryhammered some pretty awesome ideas there.

I'll take some pics later but I converted up Worldclaimer to be a dual LC lord. He should be getting primed in the morning.

Today was finally nice enough day so I got all the cultists and the noise marine primed. Paint should start mon.


Waited till the last minute (again) to get started on my army for the upcoming AoS escalation league that starts Sun. So I'm spending now till then getting 600pts of Daemons assembled. So far got 5 seekers partially built. And with that note I am getting back to work.


edit - goal is 10 seekers, 20 demonettes and an exalted chariot in time to be dry enough to play on sun.

Since the last update I have been able to get all my cultists and marines primed with the exception of the Lord conversion. I finished building the 10 seekers, 20 daemonettes, and 1 herald on exalted chariot on time for the league.


In anticipation of next week and the next 200 pts for the league I got this old herald of tzeentch painted up.




Still working on my Jan vow. It'll get done I swear.

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I totally waited till last night to even think about finishing starting my Jan Vow. But finish it I did
Getting a head start on Feb's Vow I used some Daemon Prince bitz I had left from building a winged one for my Silver Sons, some left over sprues from the new Gitz models, specifically the Dankhold Troggoth and Rockgut Trolls, a buddy of mine gave me rather than toss in the trash (I know, shocks me too a bit, but he has been doing this so long he just doesn't have the room or need to store extra bits), and a whole lot of green stuff I built up this monstrosity.
There is an event up in Dallas at Citadel in March that I wanted to go up for and its a hybrid Kill Team and 40k (35PL) event so I figured the easiest way is to start with my DG KT as the base and see what else I can fit in 35pl. Come to find out that 14 poxies and a wingless prince look to be my best way to go and that's how we ended up with this months vow (linked above)


Grandfather's Blessing to anyone that can figure out what I made the shoulder pads out of.



Got this guy all done in addition to the finishing touches to the Daemon Prince of Nurgle I've been working on. Weather here has alternated between cold and raining or both so I havent been able to get anything new primed.


I started work on painting up the poxwalkers for February's  vow. Pics of those will be incoming soon.


Some  how in my travels I picked up the DG half of DI and have been working on putting some of that together too. The Lord of Contagion is going to be the base for my Typhus conversion and I've assembled up the Plaguecaster, Plague Marines and Blightbringer so far.


So many new glorious models coming out too! Cannot wait to get my hands on the new Abby and CSM models. Ooo yeah! Oh and those new Deathsworn will make great Zerkers for Black Legion.


He looks intimidating as hell, even unpainted. Is he a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided?

Nah, just a lowly Chaos Spawn.
Seems a waste on such a lovingly crafted model. Let's call him a Chaos sorcerer who augmented his Warp-touched body- both to provide life functions his mutating organs can no longer provide, and to intimidate enemies and allies alike- as he descended into the Four Gods' embrace, hoping to win their favor and become a Daemon Prince.


That metallic claw? It incorporates a pistol- bolt, flamer, melta, or plasma, just choose whichever you need. That sickle-like arm? It counts as a power weapon- sword or axe, just choose whichever you need. That skull mask? It may count as a heavy weapon, e.g., a heavy flamer, multi-melta, or plasma cannon- the Chaos sorcerer's brain can be better protected if it were in his chest instead of his head, and as both cyborg and mutant, the brain can fit there.

While the weather hasnt been nice enough to prime up the Spawn or DP yet. I have gotten some work down on those poxwalkers I vowed for Feb.


Foour are a couple of highlights and basing away from being ready, while nine more have gotten their flesh tones finished. Those nine match to one I have gotten fully done.


Bengermin Grimdark



Flesh is primed white then a wash of Seraphim Sepia, followed by a wash of Casandora Yellow and then wash a layer of Reikland Fleshshade. The pus bubbles are the gloss version of Reikland washed on top last. Pants are Teclis blue washed with Drakenoff Nightshade. The base is Lustrian Undergrowth (I got lucky, one of the FLGS near me still had a few of them and the Blackfire Earth in stock so I grabbed them up.)

  • 2 weeks later...

Spent as much time as I could this month getting ready for Megaboralis next month. I finished off the rest of Ben's squad





As well as filling up the original squad of Poxwalkers I had built for Kill Team.




I was also able to get my Daemon Prince of Nurgle all done.




I also finished up that Webway Portal I had sitting around and a the Barbed Vamprose from the Death World set but I dont have pictures of them yet.


Typhus is progressing well. Should be ready for primer as soon as the weather here is nice enough. Bit of rain the last few weeks lol.

With March upon us and another month's vows to be made I have set myself the task of completing a set of characters for my Death Guard. Mind you this is an army that started out as just a Kill Team and has suddenly exploded into over 2000 points of Nurgle!
Anywho here are the models I made for March's Vow
Poxbringer and Noxious Blightbringer
Converted Biologus Putrifier, Foul Blightspawn and Typhus
I was able to get these two items from the KT Deathworld set done recently as well.
And my local GW is having a painting competition this month and the theme is AoS Monster or Hero so I picked this guy to paint up

  • 3 weeks later...

It has been a long couple of weeks since my last update. I spent a good amount of that time at Warhammer Citadel getting in some games and even some hobby time.


Weather being what it is I've only just been able to get most of my March Vows primed so I will be starting them soon. Before I left I was able to get my Poxbringer completed.




And while I was away I was able to complete 6 Nurgling bases and 2 other characters. 1 Malignant Plaguecaster and 1 Noxious Blightbringer.






With Shadowspear released and all the upcoming Chaos goodies I also signed up for the Tempus Belli event.


Vowing a Vangaurd, a Spearhead and an Outrider detachments I got to work on the first.


Vanguard consisting of


Master of Possession

Greater Possessed

Noise Marines x 10

Greater Possesed



  • 3 weeks later...


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