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tempestus drop force?


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For improving the performance of a subpar unit, introduce another subpar unit, to "help" it?


Good luck, that won't work.


The 2 strategems and 1 WL trait of "scions special detachement" are all about Valkyries; so it is indeed a "valks special detachement". Not attractive.

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The only real way I can see it *competitive* is on plasma squads. 2 Plasma Command Squads dropping in with the Warlord is nasty.. 16 plasma shots, hitting on 2s, probably re rolling 1s with no risk of overheating, then getting extra shots on a 5+ for the MT doctrine and you can kill something in a hurry
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The only real way I can see it *competitive* is on plasma squads. 2 Plasma Command Squads dropping in with the Warlord is nasty.. 16 plasma shots, hitting on 2s, probably re rolling 1s with no risk of overheating, then getting extra shots on a 5+ for the MT doctrine and you can kill something in a hurry

It's also a good way to hold back more PL to allow for more deepstrike, so it could be worth it in Tempestus only forces.

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I've been tempted by scions and Valkyries before but the specialist detacent has pushed me over the edge and I've started putting it all together.


To make it work I think you have to go pretty heavy. At least a battalion with 3 big troop squads, 1 or 2 plasma command squads and 3 or 4 Valkyries.


The maths on the +1 to hit is pretty awesome with the MT doctrine, essentially you'll be hitting more shots than you fire at half range. Elimination protocols on the command squads for re-roll all wounds and FRFSRF on the hot shot las guns, laurels of command attempt orders stacking.


9 hot shot lasguns with +1 to hit and FRFSRF fire 36 shots, hit 38 times and kill 19 guardsman on average.


I think there is a lot of fun to be had with this detachment but you have to commit.

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The Valkyries give a lot of value in terms of survivability for their points.


Tactically you could;


*Alpha attack and use the Valkyries to block in front of all your scions against a cc heavy army.


*Drop all into hover T1 to hit on 3s and then drop scions T2. (3 valks with an officer of the fleet, multilaser, rocket pods and heavy bolters kills 22 Ork boys on average)


*Deploy backline against a short to mid range shooting army


*Add 26 point (pistol replace stave) astropaths to deny cover


*Two astropaths cast night shroud and psychic barrier and use take cover start to have 3 protected Scion squads


*Drop scions so they can move to cover


*Add officer of the fleet for re-roll 1s (ground) with the balls


*Add Rein and Raus for the 1 off demo charge


*President armour saturation in your list


*Scions wipe a flank/area T1, T2 embark, T3 drop again for more +1 to hit.


*Bring along a techpriest enginseer to heal Valkyries or an agresive Mechanics Knight


*Screen an aggressive knight with valkyries up the board to protect from cc attacks


The Drop Force detachment could be competitive with the right friends, I think it needs at least 1000 points in it and some good allies. I'm thinking about a smash captain/scouts battalion and a knight Styrix.

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The +1 to hit lasts for the entire turn not just shooting phase. So power fists will hit on 3s and Tempestor primes and sergeants both have ws 3+.


For 700 points:






2x Primes w fists


Command squad w 4 plasma


3x5 troops w 2 Plasma and plasma pistol + fist.


2 dakka valkyries.



So you disembark anywhere on the board 9" away using the safe drop valkyrie and walk up 6". The other valkyrie can move 19.9", everyone gets out 3" and walks another 6" to get within order range of the safely dropped group.


The Valkryie still in fly mode becomes -2 to hit if the astropath gets Nightshroud off. Then you have 10 Plasma guns and 3 plasma pistols hitting on 2 rerolling 1 with exploding 5s and 6s, rerolling 1s to wound or full reroll wounds against monster or vehicle.


Then you make a 3 inch charge and swing with 21 power fist attacks hitting on 3 rerolling 1s at strength 6.


And for extra style points there are enough bodies with a short enough charge distance that you can lock something in combat to prevent your opponent shooting back. The hovering valk could be part of this melee lock, and the fly valk is -2 to hit. Next turn fall back into the birds and fly off.

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I run an all scion list so for me its easy I just take what I normally take and it fits in fine, just wanna see what kind of damage a wall of heavily buffed hot shot lasgun fire can do to something elite like hellblasters or custodian guard, and to be fair 10 scions are pretty cheap so if it fails to impress you've not invested too heavily.
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