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I'm working on a Renegade Household to support my Worldeaters and Khorne Daemons and I wanted to share my progress here. The model below is very much a work in progress and I'd welcome any feedback folks have. 






The head is a defiler head mashed together with eyes from two armiger face plates. The spiked trim is from the CSM Slaanesh banner. The groin plate is the top of the head of the old 2nd ed. juggernaut.


I'm not a huge fan of the ankle armor and I'm trying to improve it. Here's some initial work using spare bits from Khorne Bloodbound warriors. I'm not quite sure I like this or not. I'm tempted to leave them off entirely but I plan to try to at least fill the gaps and see how it looks:




For reference of where I'm headed, here are a couple of the other models from the household that I did last year. 






Ultimately, I've got a Knight Gallant, 2 Helverins and 1 Warglaive to work on, giving me 2 Knights and 4 Armigers. The Knight above will get a second avenger cannon and the chainsword will go to the Gallant.


I'm priorizing the Helverins since I can fit them into lower point lists more easily than the Knights and they add some mobile firepower to a fairly assault-oriented list. Given my skill set, I plan a fair amount of kitbashing and a minor bit of conversion. I've seen some of the amazing sculpting done by Duskraider, Pandora's Bits Box and Augustus (among others) and I may try my hand at adding detail that way as well.


Thanks for looking!

Edited by Sgt. Blank

Brilliant work so far. It will be interesting to see it when the project is finished.


Do you have any shots of the reaper chainsword? I'm planning to do a renegade knight to go with my Night Lords, and wanted to get some ideas on making chainswords look more vicious.

Thanks for the kind words.  Assuming you meant the Knight, here's a side shot of the reaper. I can't take any credit for this, it's a stock forge world part.




If you meant the one on the Warglaive, I used the extra wing bits from the Warp talon kit to add some detail without doing a lot of sculpting.

Edited by Sgt. Blank

Definitely the knight, but I appreciate the picture. I had forgot that they released a Renegade Knight kit from Forge World a little while ago. Shame it's no longer in production.


Scratch that, I was misinformed XP

Edited by TZ20
  • 2 weeks later...

Here's some progress on the Hellverin. Most of the cutting and gluing for the sub-assemblies is finished - there's a fair bit of green stuff gap filling to do and I going to try to add some detail to the shoulder pads and upper carapace. The bit of green stuff is the only part i've gotten started so far - maybe I'll make bigger progress this weekend.


The main thing I've done since the last post is the autocannons. These are clearly the defining feature of the model and I feel like they needed some embellishment. I took more bits from the Bloodthrone, the Bloodthirster kit and the Chaos vehicle sprue.






Here's the general effect so far. The pose still isn't final - I plan to make sure the elbows are away from the body.




I appreciate any comments or feedback you may have.


The customization is well done so far. Where'd you get the Daemon head?

It's the Chaos sensor array from the Vehicle Upgrade Frame:



Regrettably, it's not, although that was kind of what I was going for.  It's the one on the lower left from the Defiler kit:




Spliced with eyes from two of the armiger face plates. I'm not sure of the size of the one Gederas mentioned compares to an armiger. If it fits size-wise, that'd be a much easier way to get to a similar result.

Edited by Sgt. Blank

Great work on the new Armiger so far! One small suggestion: I think you should shorten down the "centre spike" on the spiked halo above his head, so it's similar to the other spikes. It just seems a little distracting now (plus this has always bothered me about that specific bit).

Great work on the new Armiger so far! One small suggestion: I think you should shorten down the "centre spike" on the spiked halo above his head, so it's similar to the other spikes. It just seems a little distracting now (plus this has always bothered me about that specific bit).


Thanks - that means a lot coming from someone who has produced so many amazing models. It hadn't occurred to me to trim that down - it was irritating to get off the sprue intact - but I see your point.

In the last week, I've been working on adding some green stuff to the armor plates and I'm far enough along that there's something to share.




As before, nothing is glued to make painting less of a headache but here's what the carapace looks like now in context. I also tweaked the spiked collar per KSci's suggestion and I think it's improved the overall look.



As far as green stuff use, I've done gap filling and 2nd things like the arrows but never anything like the spikes before - I leaned heavily on Pandora's Bits Box's tutorial (here) , although nowhere near that quality.I had a couple false starts getting here but I'm feeling good about it now but would appreciate any comments or feedback before I get to paint. While I don't want too big of a backlog (having finally gotten an army level of models painted) I don't have a well ventilated space for priming and the weather is too cold, too humid and too windy to lay down a primer coat currently. 


I'll start in on the second Helverin instead - one thing I learned from this one is that I ought to start with the armor plates first to allow multiple layers of green stuff to cure while doing the more mundane assemblies. I plan to do the guns and shoulder armor similarly but let me know what you think. This has been a good learning experience - hopefully I improve as I go and can do a better job as I build toward converting the Gallant.


Thanks for looking!

  • 1 month later...

Work on the second Helverin has been slower than expected but I managed to get the first one painted up - just needs some clean up work on the base.




I'm pretty pleased by how the sculpting turned out with paint on it and plan to do something pretty similar for the second one. Not my greatest photography - I'll try to get better pics and pics of the 2nd Helverin WIP shortly.

Edited by Sgt. Blank
  • 2 weeks later...

Progress on the 2nd Helverin:








It's coming along fast by my standards, but slow in general. The parts added on are from the metal Juggernaut (greaves) Bloodletters (left shoulder, collar, skulls on stubber) Daemon prince (collar), and Blood Warriors (right shoulder) plus green stuff.


It's held together with poster tac so the pose isn't final - C&C appreciated!

Impressive work on customizing the Helverin with marks of Khorne.


Don't forget to mount bayonets on his autocannons. As a Khorne worshiper, he MUST be ready and willing- nay, ECSTATIC- to shed blood in close combat.

  • 1 month later...

Long-time, no post. Very excited about the announcement of a Chaos Knight - the timing is a bit uncanny particularly since I just started on a second chaos knight.


First, here's the basically finished Helverin








If you see anything I ought to tweak, please let me know. it's poster tacked together, so the pose isn't final.  I will be broken down to prime and paint whenever the weather permits (stupid humidity).


I also built a Knight arm that ought to accept either the rapid fire battle cannon or an avenger. I'm planning to run one knight with 2 main guns and one with two assault weapons to specialize and make maximum use of the one available stragetum.


Here's the arm without the gun attached - the white material is plasticard to hold a rare earth magnet




Here's the gun attached (Forgefiend Hades Autocannon):




It doesn't look like much but I put together part of the imperial battle cannon mount with the spare melta cannon Forgeworld mount I had to get something that will accept the avenger or battlecannon parts - it took a fair amount of cutting to get the parts loose.


C and C appreciated - from here I'm going to build the other knight, with a thunderstrike gauntlet and a lot of Chaosy embellishments.

The green stuff mutations are well done. As a Khorne worshipper, shouldn't the Helverin have bayonets fixed to his autocannons?


I don't see the Helverins getting in assault much if things go to plan. The Knights I'm building are intended to complement the more hack-and-slash units i've got (Bloodletters, Berzerkers) so I've got assault covered in spades I feel like


Thematically, they're not Worldeaters so they're not compelled to charge by the Butcher's Nails to be insanely aggressive. After all, Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows as long as it flows. At some point I may write them up a background, but in a nutshell, they serve Khorne because they eschew the high-minded ideals of the Questoris and instead define themselves through the battles they fight and destruction they cause rather than the quests they complete or the vows they hold. 


That said, I do see your point and finally found some appropriate bits to use to represent that it is armed for the eventuality of close assault and wouldn't shrink from it if necessary. A lot of things I've got look too big and imposing for a non-assault unit but a single lightning claw looks about right. I'll post once I get some green stuff added to reinforce it; the underside of the gargoyles don't offer much flat surface to work with and I'm worried it will snap off without reinforcement.

  • 3 weeks later...

Taking advantage of one of the few temperate, non-humid days in the late spring, I primed the Helverin before taking photos of the spike/ claws added to the guns.


Instead of sensibly painting the Helverin, I've pressed on and started work on the Knight that goes with the avenger gatling shown above - the aspiration is to get both painted for the forthcoming ETL


I'm building him with the avenger and a thunderstrike since I can swap the arms with my existing knight to either rock dual gun or dual assault, which hopefully remain viable options in the new codex - we'll see though.


Consistent with the Helverins, I've been focusing on the armor plates and carapace since the empty surfaces offer a nice canvas for conversions. Nothing except the torso substructure is actually finished yet, so I'd welcome any comments or critiques - there's time to make improvements.


Here's the shoulders, a greave and the face plate. The large Khorne symbol is from the Blood Throne/Skull Cannon. The plasticard is there to provide some structure for (hopefully) smooth/straight-edged pieces and the spikes on the lower rims will get extra layers of green stuff to tie them in to the stock trim better.


Honestly, my favorite bit so far is the face plate - the muzzle is from the Bloodthirster kit. 



Thunderstrike gauntlet - skull/Khorne symbol is from the Blood Throne. Claws are made from Tyranid Warrior bits. I've only done gap closing GS work on this so far and am debating how to finish the knuckle area.



Carapace - I've done the most work here but still a ways to go. Spikes are from the Chaos vehicle kit - bone bits are from the Blood Throne and Bloodthirster kit.



I've started on the leg armor as well but it's nothing special yet - pretty reminescent of what I did to the Helverin ankle armor.


Thanks for looking!

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