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If Guard/Astra Militarum were to get updated how, with what?

Guest Triszin

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Guest Triszin

So my question to you AStra militarum players.


If the Guard were to get updated, in lore and models what would you want?


"New Cadia", survivors of Cadia settled on a new world, renaming it.


Updated Infantry kits, more modern, Cadia style merged with elysia and a dash of modern?


would sentinels just be replaced by armiger titans with a astra militarum loadout?

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I would like to see new models for other regiments. Rough riders in the codex would be nice. As far as lore, I'd like to see Creed escape from the Necron lord whose imprisoned him and lead a crusade to take vengeance for cadia. This one I would like to be lead by the guard itself and no smurfs involved.
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I'd love to see Grav-Trooper infantry. They would use enlarged Grav-packs that act more like jet-packs rather than parachutes. Rules wise I'd give them FLY and 10" movement. Squads of 10 with 2-3 special weapons in the fast attack slot, armed with Las-carbines.


Also a 6x6 wheeled vehicle somewhere between a Sentinel and a Taurox in size and role. Profile would be M14, T6, W8, 3+. I imagine 3 variants, a transport for 6 with just a heavy stubber, a fire support / tank destroyer variant with twin Multilaser/Autocannon/Lascannon and an HQ command vehicle with a single heavy weapon, the CHARACTER keyword and some buffs (possibly orders?) for other vehicles.

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Guest Triszin

I'd love to see Grav-Trooper infantry. They would use enlarged Grav-packs that act more like jet-packs rather than parachutes. Rules wise I'd give them FLY and 10" movement. Squads of 10 with 2-3 special weapons in the fast attack slot, armed with Las-carbines.


Also a 6x6 wheeled vehicle somewhere between a Sentinel and a Taurox in size and role. Profile would be M14, T6, W8, 3+. I imagine 3 variants, a transport for 6 with just a heavy stubber, a fire support / tank destroyer variant with twin Multilaser/Autocannon/Lascannon and an HQ command vehicle with a single heavy weapon, the CHARACTER keyword and some buffs (possibly orders?) for other vehicles.

So you want something like this?




that would be rad.

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Plenty of Cadians around the galaxy to do their thing, fear not! Besides putting a bayonet through anything and anyone is what makes a Cadian, not being born on Cadia :wink:


Updated plastics for all regiments would make me a happy Lord Commissar, along with Rough Riders :smile.: But if we're pushing the boat out, maybe GW could go the whole hog and give Guard some dedicated things like gun emplacements and assault guns? FW have already broken that seal so why not more?

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You mean the Tauros Venator?


The picture in my mind is more beefy and armored. 


Image something like this as the base hull:




The transport variant gets the Chimera's lasgun array in the back. The command variant gets a small Chimera-like turret at the front, with a periscope on top and one of those radio antenna "railings" around the turret that you can find on early WWII tanks. Maybe add a satellite dish on top of the rear compartment.

Last but not least the tank destroyer gets a larger turret mounted in the back to make it visually distinct from the command vehicle. I imagine something similar to this turret (armored but open topped) with two barrels:



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I don't really see what a new, smaller transport would add that we don't already have covered. The Taurox already is the light transport with better movement. It's fire support variant also exists in the Taurox Prime.


And why would the Armiger of all things replace the Sentinel? They're two very different units with very different roles.


I think I'd like to see more variety only in the sense that I'd want some of the Forgeworld kits to become proper Codex-ones. I don't really know what kind of unit we'd lack completely once you include those datasheets.


What would be cool would be more HQ options for vehicles, allowing things like a Command Sentinel or Hellhound variant.

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What about a "heavy" APC instead, able to transport 20 models (i.e. two squads, or a conscript blob, or perhaps 6 Bullgryn and some supporting characters)?


It could be based off an extended Leman Russ hull and have the normal Sponson Weapon options, plus the Leman Russ durability (i.e. T8, 3+ save, etc.).


Obviously, would be a bit more expensive than a Chimera or Taurox, but could play a unique role as a mobile "heavy bunker" type vehicle and could even have a few firing ports for, say, up to 5 models inside to shoot out.

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Guest Triszin

What about a "heavy" APC instead, able to transport 20 models (i.e. two squads, or a conscript blob, or perhaps 6 Bullgryn and some supporting characters)?


It could be based off an extended Leman Russ hull and have the normal Sponson Weapon options, plus the Leman Russ durability (i.e. T8, 3+ save, etc.).


Obviously, would be a bit more expensive than a Chimera or Taurox, but could play a unique role as a mobile "heavy bunker" type vehicle and could even have a few firing ports for, say, up to 5 models inside to shoot out.

What about a "heavy Grav Lander" transport 30, for mass insertions, or turn it into a fortified position?


Model wise,

- Baneblade in size

- Transport bays open on both sides length wise.

- engine/thrusters in rear

- front is a lander cockpit

- weapons, Point defense turrets (las/autogun)


IF LANDED: ( can be turned into a fortified position, heavy grav lander can hit at 5+ inoverwatch using point defense turrets )

IF hoovering: ( move 6": cannot be used as a fortified position)

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I'd love to see Grav-Trooper infantry. They would use enlarged Grav-packs that act more like jet-packs rather than parachutes. Rules wise I'd give them FLY and 10" movement. Squads of 10 with 2-3 special weapons in the fast attack slot, armed with Las-carbines.


Wouldn't it make more sense to make this an upgrade for Scions?

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Guest Triszin


I'd love to see Grav-Trooper infantry. They would use enlarged Grav-packs that act more like jet-packs rather than parachutes. Rules wise I'd give them FLY and 10" movement. Squads of 10 with 2-3 special weapons in the fast attack slot, armed with Las-carbines.


Wouldn't it make more sense to make this an upgrade for Scions?


They do have grav chutes, but Gav troopers are elysian right? grav chutes and thrusters?

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Guest Triszin

So like the Crassus or the several Baneblade variants with transport capacity?

never heard of the crassus before, cool looking model.


kind of, but it would have the ability to deepstrike/fly over buildings.


I'm kinda thinking if you merged a Baneblade with the Tau Tidewalls

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Things I'd like in no particular order...


Upgrade kits, simply providing some new arms, heads, and other differentiation from the standard kits, which would be more viable than making a bunch of whole new lines


One new regiment line (all 3 kits) that is both a completely new regiment and compatible with kitbashing.


Bikers, especially now that GSC have them.


More Abhumans and more varied ways to run infantry.


A way to officially run traitor guard that isn't terrible :)

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Personally I wouldn’t want the infantry models to get a modern, sci-fi look. I really like the fact that Guard are normal humans with just cheap armour, a lasgun and balls of steel. If you start moving towards a more ‘halo’ style appearance for them they lose a lot of their character. It also kind of goes against the stagnation and technological quagmire the imperium is supposed to be in if you start giving out fancy equipment that would have to mass produced (literally) by the billions to equip common guardsmen.


It’s the same reason I like the old fashioned, steel box look of the Russ tanks. It just fits with mass produced, reliable, workhorse like aesthetic of the Imperial Guard and its one of the things I love about them.


Id like to see new kits, but of the different regiments. As the tanks etc are largely similar, all they’d really have to do is produce some plastic valhallans, mordians, tallarn etc infantry and you’d have a really good variation of Guard armies. That’s what I’d most like to see.

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#1 More named characters for other regiments.


#2. Expanded fast attack options. Rough Rider equivalent. Sappers, we have nothing that represents that style of fighting.


#3. Multilasers need to become assault or rapid fire.


Beyond that we are quite honestly a very fleshed out army.

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