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If Guard/Astra Militarum were to get updated how, with what?

Guest Triszin

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So my question to you AStra militarum players.


If the Guard were to get updated, in lore and models what would you want?

Lets see. I'd love Cadians and Catachans (especially Catachans) to get updated. Not changed, just sharpened up with more options included (so all the special weapons, melee and pistol options, ladies etc). Basically just a modernisation of the kit, not a modernisation of the design.


However, I think more important than that is for other regiments to get plastic kits. I honestly don't care which regiment they do first, I love them all. Though Tallarn get very little love from 3rd party sites, so would be a good one to begin with. Again, like updated Cadians and Catachans they'd need to be modern kits with plenty of variety. Different heads (wearing/not wearing headgear), different arms (sleved vs rolled up sleeves), parts to make female Guardsmen, all weapon options and some regimental specific designs for stuff like lasguns and swords. I wouldn't say no to the inclusion of shotguns and some "veteran" pieces, stuff like grizled heads, a few pieces of non standard wargear and so on. For a "new" regiment in plastic the bare minimum needed would be an infantry/veteran squad box, heavy weapon squad/team box and a command squad box. It'd also be nice if one of the kits included parts that could theme tank & Sentinel crew to be regiment specific.


I'd like to see the Basilisk get re-done. The main model is fine, it just needs proper crew. It look silly with that open fighting compartment standing empty.


For actual new stuff, lets cover the traditional Guard range before we get excited with new vehicles. Especially if they're modern millitary/sci-fi ports just being moved into 40k. So that means Rough Riders, Beastmen, Penal Troops and Commissar training squads. Once we've finally got that old stuff back, maybe then GW can look at adding something new.


Oh and plastic Kasrkin.


"New Cadia", survivors of Cadia settled on a new world, renaming it.

Not fussed. I'm fine with the Cadians being spread out and re-settling different worlds the way they always have. As long as they don't get forgotten and continue to get mentions. it's good. What I'd really like is more focus on other regiments.


Updated Infantry kits, more modern, Cadia style merged with elysia and a dash of modern?

Pass. 40k isn't a place where modern works. It's gothic and backwards, that's it's style. Cadians and Elysians are as far as modern should go in 40k, otherwise we have just another generic sc-fi infantry like Halo. Their Marines are so boring looking, they'd fit right in with any other sci-fi franchise and only hardcore fans would know the difference. Cadians and Elysians also straddle this line, especially Elysians. However, try that with Valhallans, Tallarn, Mordians, Death Korps, Steel Legion, Vostroyans etc and they look out of place anywhere but 40k, which is exactly as it should be.


Keep 40k, 40k, Say no to homogenisation!


would sentinels just be replaced by armiger titans with a astra militarum loadout?

By Creed's brass balls, hell no! Why would anybody want that? Those are Mechanicus vehicles that would look completely out of place in Guard. And again, homogenisation is bad. It'd be taking away Guard's unique image and blurring the lines. The only cogboys I want anywhere near my Guard are Enginseers, because they were ours first. You can keep your Armigers and Onagers, give me a good, reliable Sentinel or Russ anyday.


Also, Armigers they are Knights, not Titans.

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There's not really anything left for us to have is there? Rough Riders back in the codex, maybe fiddle about with Veterans as troops again. Apart from that we have too many choices if anything!


An updated generic (Cadian?) Kit with upgrades for the various regiments would be ideal. No way 8 different plastic Infantry kits are released. Look to Marines with 1 generic kit and various chapter upgrades for this.

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Guest Triszin

thanks for everyones input so far. =)


Question: Do the astra militarum have a "breacher team"? shotguns, demo charges and such?


I think it would be cool to see a squad with Canines, a breacher charge/demo charge and CQC (Shotguns, Meltas/flamers) weapons.




Ahh my mistake on the Armiger, I often just batch Knights and titans into the same boat. My own personal taste, makes me want the sentinel to be a bit different. for me, its still to similar to the starwars walker thing.




My other take away right now are


Updated "faction" guard kits.


so in my mind, similar to Killteam boxes (10 models)


steel legion, elysian, talarn, vostryon, catachan (lets be honest, this kit really needs an update).



and what is the "OLDEST" plastic vehicle from the guard? and with the length of that mold coming to an end in the next 4-6~ years, would you want that to be updated, or get a 2.0 version of that, updated design and loadout?

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thanks for everyones input so far. =)


Question: Do the astra militarum have a "breacher team"? shotguns, demo charges and such?


I think it would be cool to see a squad with Canines, a breacher charge/demo charge and CQC (Shotguns, Meltas/flamers) weapons.



and what is the "OLDEST" plastic vehicle from the guard? and with the length of that mold coming to an end in the next 4-6~ years, would you want that to be updated, or get a 2.0 version of that, updated design and loadout?


Kind of. You can have a mix of weapons in special weapon squads, in this case mixing meltaguns, flamers and/or demolition charges. Sadly you can't give the three non-special weapon troopers anything but lasguns.


As above, Veterans can have shotguns and the same number of meltaguns/flamers as special weapon squads, but no demolition charges.


Death Korps Combat Engineers can take two meltaguns/flamers and meltabombs, while the rest are armed with Krieg shotguns.


All three of those units have some elements of the breacher idea, but none of them combine everything into one.


The oldest vehicle is tehnically the Leman Russ, but it's been updated and is a solid kit. Same with the next oldest (Chimera) and next (Hellhound) and so on. I think the only two kits that haven't been updated at this point are the Baneblade and the Valkyrie, but to be honest neither really needs it. I think the Guard vehicles are all fine, though like I said before the Basilisk has no crew.

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Plastic Mordians :whistling:


Although I love the idea of some Scion characters, as well as characters in general

Would be great if they could flesh out the Scion line more, so much potential there!


Some female models too would be great, plenty of novels with bad arse female characters of all ranks in there why not on the table top too? 


Horse mounted RR's would be awesome :) 
Bikes are kewl, but I'd rather horses because of the absurdity :)

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Some female models too would be great, plenty of novels with bad arse female characters of all ranks in there why not on the table top too? 



They're certainly on my tabletop, but that took quite a bit of work. I wouldn't say no to GW doing them nicely. As long as it's more than just female heads on male bodies.

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I'd trust GW to do a good job of them especially with how they've done a decent job with Necroumunda, RT, BSF and some of the AoS lines


I bought a few Victoria Miniature models to fill out my officer corp
Maybe in future I might get more for the rank and file and pepper them in with my regular troopers

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Plastic Mordians :whistling:


With interchangeable heads for Praetorians... :happy.:


I mean, I'd be content with some of the older Troops in plastic (or just regularly available in metal, in all honesty!) - just for the variety. They're so characterful - and really helps to diversify the AM beyond just colour schemes and things of that ilk. 

Some of the suggestions for Grav Chutes and lighter buggy vehicles are superb too - I think they would be great! 

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Hmmm, I'd add in a work-around for Rule of 3 for some units. Maybe like how platoons worked in the 3rd edition codex? Some of us like to run lots of heavy weapon squads, veterans, psykers and rough riders. Rule of 3 is crampin' mah style!! (Though I guess that's what narrative play is for.)

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To make another entry after reading some newer ones, I'll add:


Special Weapon/Heavy Weapon platoons, so we can run more than a total of 3 each per army, or an option so that for every X infantry squads we may take Y sws/hws that don't occupy a slot in the detachment. Actually, I'd like to see this with a lot of options, even if it makes filling detachments harder, as it would open up tons of options and may have the side effect of lessening the CP gap between guard and others.


I'll throw my voice behind buggies or trucks. Even something simple like a dies to Bolters cheap jury-rigged truck could be fun and flavorful and makes sense as we know the Imperium uses them for civilian purposes.


Actually, the same as above for Veteran platoons. Maybe even just a new stratagem like Orks got (or special detachment option, or doctrine) to allow more than 3 squads or upgrade infantry squads somehow to vets. It'd be nice to be able to run a veteran company now and then just for variety, but the Rule O' Three really limits what we can take, and it doesn't make sense that 9 Russes are cool but 4 squads of veterans are too much.


Given that all but 2 regiments aren't readily available in model form, I'd like to see doctrines shift from world to type of detachment, and see more interesting options. Scions having their own makes sense, but the rest put into play an artificial limitation that's not even really a limitation because the models aren't there to enforce it. Like Astartes chapters, there's no reason we can't have like 20 doctrines and we can pick 1 per detachment or something. I'm sure there's better ways to do it, but it'd be nice and kill some of the less pleasant "those aren't vostroyans because you didn't sell a kidney" attitudes you hear about.

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I'd like to see a few abhuman additions... Beastman (assault unit), Squat (sappers/engineers/demolition experts... including rules for repair and mines/booby-traps) and Ratling Scout units (with special rules for spotting for artillery - comms and sensor packs, ghillie suits and pistols)... 


I'd also like to see an armoured car of some description... for recon.


More plastic guard for different regiments is a given.

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The Vigilus Guard seems a good option for a new generic regiment. To echo what others have said that along with upgrade sprues to have WW1/ gas mask / Cossack heads or any random combo you can think of would be great. Also a similar female to male ratio as they have with some of the Necromunda gangs would be great.


I'm currently subtly de- chaosing my Traitor Guard from Blackstone fortress so they can serve on both sides. The sculpts are so much more interesting than my 40 odd cadians.

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If I was in charge of GW..... (I'd make employees wear cosplay gear everyday.... but thats drifting off topic)


I'd use the Necromunda gang approach.


One core box for the gang.

Then sell upgrade packs.


Guard actually have relatively few infantry upgrade options. 


Could easily do all current regiments.

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