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Vallejo - Citadel Equivalencies?


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Anyone have any resources on the best matches for any Citadel paints from the Vallejo lines? I just got an airbrush and the Vallejo air line is great to work with but it's hard to judge exactly what shade it'll turn out from the bottle alone. I don't want to have half my armies in different shades of the same colors. Has anyone found anything like this?


I guess related question - how does the GW air paint line compare? It's not in dropper bottles obviously which is unfortunate but I have pipettes. Does it flow smoothly or does it need thinned further?

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I don't use an airbrush but I do use Vallejo model air and not-air paints. I look colors up in these charts:


From Dakka: https://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/Paint_Range_Compatibility_Chart

From Vallejo: http://cdn.acrylicosvallejo.com/0049261608364909a238add9b4a53745/CC073-rev05.pdf


It's hard to find exact matches or even a complete overview of comparable colors. Good luck.


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